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When Zhu Tong returned to the hotel room, the first thing he did was to change the clothes that had been in close contact with the wall.

After taking a shower, he put on a dressing gown and lay on the bed, and Zhu Tongcai began to check his favorability.

The 5% value on the progress bar seems negligible.

But it does exist.


He was surrounded by gangsters, and Shao Ming passed by to help him.

Then Shao Ming's favor towards him increased.

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is the principle?

Is it because his strategy of actively keeping his distance worked and gained Shao Ming's trust, so he came back to his face value filter?

Beauty is not Zhu Tong's narcissism, but because someone instills his thoughts.

He and Zhu Xin are twins, and Zhu Xin loves to be beautiful, so he was not allowed to say that he was not good-looking since he was a child.

I don't know if my sister has calmed down now.

Zhu Tong took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat, hesitated for a while, and then backed out.

Let's talk about stabilizing your own life.

"Old iron, after today's events, I realized a truth."


Who is the old iron?

The system said: "What's the reason?"

Zhu Tong said: "I don't seem to have to brush my presence in front of Shao Ming."

Whether it is to use Yuan Shaozhou to achieve a united front to make a good impression, or to study hard to make Shao Ming change his opinion of him, all of them need Shao Ming to pay attention to him in order to achieve the goal.

But in fact, he doesn't necessarily need to be explicit.

He can help Shao Ming solve something, and then "accidentally" let Shao Ming know.

"Is there any trouble Shao Ming can't solve now?"

As a person who is liked by heartthrobs, he should have a lot of troubles, right?

However, the system said: "I don't know."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"Don't know? Why don't you know?"

System: "The original text doesn't focus much on Bai Yueguang, and all the main lines are mainly based on the heartthrob protagonist."


According to the original text, there were only two things they could know.

The heartthrob protagonist is liked by Bai Yueguang.

Bai Yueguang brought down the company of the protagonist Shou.

The original text describes how disappointed the protagonist is when he is rejected again and again. After the company went bankrupt, he hated Bai Yueguang because of his love and hatred, but he didn't mention anything about Bai Yueguang being targeted by his fascinated suitors.

Bai Yueguang's family, unknown.

Bai Yueguang's past is unknown.

Even Bai Yueguang's interpersonal relationship is unknown.

After just two days of understanding, Zhu Tong only knew that Shao Ming had a friend named Rosso.

There is also Xia Yang's entanglement and Yuan Shaozhou's targeting.

The Sick Villain Just Want to LiveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora