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Author's Note: Heya dear reader, as mentioned in the character list this is an otome game style writing, if you've read Ravn's book (Matter of Chemistry) or Xion's book(Matter of Desire) you already read the prologue before, you can jump right in and begin with Chapter 1 of Seoho 'Spread Too Thin'. If you need a refresher you can always read the prologue chapters again. I hope you enjoy.

Don't forget to let me know what you like or dislike about the story. I'll try to fix my mistakes if you point them out to me. Now back to the story...


"Zoom in a bit more." The voice beside my ear makes me jump, "Dang it Seoho, kill me in my sleep next time will you? What did I tell you about sneaking up on me? And don't teach me my job." I swat at my left ear to make him go away. Since that attempt fails I stand up and walk away a bit. The model in front of the flower set smiles in an unnatural way, placing her hand on her hip. She is clearly unfamiliar with posing but she's on her lucky day to have me as her photographer. You see, my colleague's reflex would be to tell her she looks unnatural, which would only add to her nervousness. So I try a different method every time "Ms. Choi, what's your favorite food?" "Food?" she looks confused. That's a better look than the strained smile, I snap a photo. "Yes, can you think of that food? You can tell me about it if you want to. Who do you eat it with? What do you drink with it? Just imagine we ordered some right now." And sure enough, she starts talking about her mom's homemade stew. Then she starts going on about macarons "Hold a flower vine and look at it as you talk." I instruct her. After another five minutes, we take a break for the model to change outfits.

Seoho claps slowly as I walk towards him. "Are you done with that now," I ask as I push his forehead with my index finger, "Truly amazing work there Ms. Min, although you could have taken my advice on the zooming. The youngsters these days are like that, you tell them one thing and they are suddenly like 'don't teach me my job'" "You really want your ass beaten today I see." I glare daggers at him "And what's with the Ms. Min thing." He shrugs "I am being a professional, you know we are both on the clock, we wouldn't want your colleagues to misunderstand our relationship." a teasing glint passes his eyes and he trails a finger down my cheek "Jeez Seoho cool it down will you, what came over you today, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" I catch his finger and push it away from my face, having close friends is good as long as you don't meet them at work.

But I know a few things about teasing myself, so I lean over to Seoho's ear and whisper "You know that can be considered workplace assault right?" He jolts away from me and I smirk in victory. "You are a bad woman Yuri. But good to see you know how to protect yourself." "Mhmm" I nod, "Why are you here again?" "Can't I visit my best friend at work.." "Yeah, yeah tell that to someone who'd believe your blatant lies. You're always too busy to walk down a floor to come to visit me, why are you really here now?" he opens his mouth "Oh wait did they finally fire you?" I add smugly, that's what he gets for scaring me earlier.

"You won't like this." he scratches the back of his head "Then don't tell me." "Yuri there's this role, the actress suddenly resigned for the drama we were scheduled to start shooting today and.." "No." I fold my arms "We are holding an emergency audition and you'd be perfect for the..." "I said no Seo. Why are you not asking the actresses from the first audition?" "The second choice is shooting another drama now, the third is abroad and the others were not good enough."

"Lee Seoho I can't believe you! Not only are you offering me a cheap romance drama role, you're also telling me I am the, what, fourth choice!" "You know that's not what I meant, you would always be my first choice if I was a director. I get why you don't like these types of jobs but how are you gonna be cast for the things you like when nobody knows you?" That really hits me where it hurts. He is right, after all, my face should show what I'm thinking because he looks apologetic "Out." I push him by the shoulder "Out of my face right now, I have a photoshoot to complete." 

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