Part 1. Lingering Effects (1/2)

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~~ Sub-Part 1: Jo'on Yorigami ~~

Swallowing her words and letting out a sigh of relief, the mischievous goddess set her feet in the house which, albeit coquettish, was badly maintained. The floor was covered with many knick-knacks, trophies, decorations, clothes, cowboy hats... The photographs that adorned the wall were all dusty, she could barely see the pictures they held. "I apologize for the condition of the hallway. I had mentioned to one of your companions that I kept getting gifts of condolences." She heard the calm voice of the oni coming from the living room to her right. "Oh! There's like no need for that! It's like not bother anyway!" She perpetuated the lie, awkwardly stepping around, trying her best to find her footing in the corridor, as a few beads of sweat rained down her forehead.

The living room was much more orderly but still cluttered. The lanterns in the room gave it a golden glow, blending nicely with the color of the many trophies on the shelves. Wide and full shelves on its side, two comfortable sofas with a ton of cushions in the middle of the room, a coffee table in between, which simply carried a tray with two cups and three large and different bottles of sake: The traditional (Junmai; Dark green glass), The fruity (Ginjo; Brown glass) and The sweet (Nigori; Pure white glass). Many of his visitors wondered why he kept his father's design, despite its good taste it was undeniably cramped to move around easily. The denseness of the room, as well as old hell's condition, helped raise the ambient temperature.

The oni was sitting down on one of the sofas, waiting for her to sit on the other side of the table; To do so, Jo'on had to move some cushions to sit down. "Hope the other onis didn't bother you two too much." The oni commented as Jo'on struggled to keep the cushions in place to prevent them from falling. "That was like nothing, they were like way too drunk to notice us." Jo'on said finally sitting down, only to accidentally cause a cushion to slide down to the ground. "So, mister Ikari, you like know why I am here." She smirked, she knew very well that this question would give her enough info to judge the quality of this new adventure.

"I have my assumptions, yes. My main one was written in the letter you've send me." He responded with brutal honesty. The beads of sweat had now reached the bottom of her neck and soaked the collar line of her top. "Like of course, you do! But I got so many business partners, it's like a chore to keep them all like in check, you know!" She corrected with haste. A nervous laugh escaped her mouth. A calm grunt came out of the oni. "'Getcha."

A small pause took reign, the crackling of the lanterns's flame filled the room, alongside Jo'on's shaky breathing, barely noticeable for the common ears. "As you know, the sake sales have dropped quite a lot... As you said, the new generation from the outside world isn't as interested in the sake as the previous one, causing a price increase. Due to this, sales in Gensokyo itself have lowered significantly. Though I doubt it'll become a fruitless endeavor, the other onis are still thrilled about it, this'll give us a huge leeway to get out of this situation. Enhance why you came here to... you know. 'Help me out'. Did that juggle your memory, Miss Chimata?" His voice was not bothered by the situation he had found himself in.

Jo'on drew a blank. That's not what advertised to her! Where's the five months wait time? Where's all the glory— That... That Shion! She did that on purpose! She gave her sister a losing battle just to prove her point! How could her sister deceive her like that? Jo'on had been nothing but nice to her! "Like obviously." She muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes, her mind still focused on her sister's ploy... Jo'on playfully snickered. She'll take the challenge. Jo'on closed her eyes and thought of a plan to get more acquainted with this situation.

Jo'on coughed, returning to her friendly demeanor. "Of course, mister Ikari." She nodded with a confident chuckle. "I was simply making sure you weren't delusional!" She laughed haughtily. "You can't like imagine the number of times business partners just acted like they didn't like own a failing business!" The oni looked at her unfazed. Jo'on had now realized the oni had yet to make any movement, making him look like a lifeless statue, which only added to her uneasiness in this situation. Jo'on could feel the back of her top was starting to be dampened by perspiration. "'Getcha. Acting like this in front of their only distributor too... If I were you I'd cut ties with them immediately." Delusions, insincerities, lies. Just like for any other onis in this land, those were not welcome, something Jo'on was much aware of, making her smirk slightly.

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