Chapter 8: Worst Nightmares Revealed

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"Well, I think we discussed this enough... I'm gonna go head to bed. Good night, David." She hung up not long after that, and called An. 

"Whaddup bitch." She heard An yell out on her end, cringing slightly over her not really expecting that as some kind of greeting. 

Truly does An Sung Yee's inner machinations of her mind an enigma to her. 

"Hey, quick question. Do you think the school's underground have a camera system?" She asked, and it appears that her question quickly becomes answered as she heard a dismissive scoff come from her. 

"I doubt that there is. If there was, we would have been kicked out by now, especially since it's not like we're hiding our face or anything. Lemme guess, you're concerned about him not being able to do much, huh?" 

She didn't have to say anything for her to giggle in a knowing way. God, if there's only an easier way to deal with her, much less talk... Keeping whatever thought she had aside, she just let her continue with what she had to say. 

"Go Pros and radars should do the trick just fine." She said. "If that doesn't work, then just hack into the system and see if there really is a cam system there. That's a bit unlikely though, since that would ultimately mean that they're being lazy, and haven't kicked us out yet." 

"You seem to be so sure about this." Noella said in slight concern. 

"I mean, it's pretty much common sense, at least to me. Believe me, if they knew it was you down there, we wouldn't be going there anymore. It's how things like that tend to be." 

"Well, if you say so." She said, still feeling unsure. 

"Anyway, before we even think about that, we should probably check to see if there's a signal there. I mean, the school gives us free Wi-Fi, right?" She asked her, as if it was a poignant question.

"For the library, yeah, but there is one that you have to pay for. 10 pesos for like, 2 hours or something." She answered, but she couldn't help but feel intrigued about what she's suggesting. 

"Well, that's one thing, but if you ask me, it's better if he doesn't join us in the incursions. However, considering the fact that I practically hooked him up, the Go Pro and Heartbeat Sensors should be good enough for him." 

She can only sigh at that, but hey, what better choice than to go and do something like that. The only thing that matters is getting the cameras and the Heartbeat Sensors. It shouldn't be that hard, right? 

"Honestly, it just depends." She heard An say with a shrug. "I only brought him along because he knows his way around security, but I will admit, I should've checked to see if there were cameras there. Not like we can just go and check there now, they might know." 

"It's still worth a shot, right?" 

"Eh, I guess we'll get there when we get there. Anyway, gonna go to bed, so, see ya tomorrow." With that, An hung up, and Noella did as well, deciding to go to sleep and check in with them tomorrow. 


When the next day arrived, classes went on as usual, but Noella can't help but feel dread and paranoia knowing that there was a lot of things now known to her since that last incursion, and ultimately still haven't gotten her closer to knowing where Raymond could be. It also didn't help that her science teacher is Irvin Mendoza.... It's like she can't help but just see him in a different light now, knowing what he was involved with. 

Another thing didn't help is that he seemed to have been singling her out for some of the questions earlier. Sure, there's nothing really there but paranoia, but she couldn't help it. Especially since back then, he mostly left her alone, not really asking her to read out parts in the books they were reading on, much less topics. Maybe it's him trying to get her to participate? Maybe, but she doesn't know.

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