A few days later, they were docked to the syrup island, and began to search for Usopp. Not long from the beach, a loud voice was heard

“You pirates!! Better go away or you will fight with eight thousand of my army!!” Lucy, Nami and Zoro laughed and snorted

“You can come out, Usopp. We don't want to robbed your hometown” Lucy said
Usopp head pop up from the bush “I know that tone, but why the sounds so different from before?” Nami and Zoro laughed again whilst Lucy pouted

“Mean, Usopp! Came down here!!” Usopp then running towards them and hugged them

“I miss you all. I'm surprised that you are a girl now, Luffy. So, are you still Luffy or you have another name?” Usopp asks

“Shishishi, I'm Monkey D Lucy now, Usopp. Better call me that, got it”

“Got it!!”

“So, how about some plan for beating a mean pirate here, guys?” Lucy smirked and everyone copied that with a loud ‘AYE'

They were on Usopp's house and planning the attack

“Remember that they will come here tomorrow? What will we do?” Usopp asks

Lucy just munching the snacks, Zoro sleeping like usual and Nami observed the maps of the island

“Like before I think, but Nami protect Kaya. Usopp, Zoro and I will fight the kitten pirates later”

Everyone sweatdropped at the nickname “He's Kuroo, Lucy. Not kitten” Nami said and Lucy just shrugging her shoulder

“After Nami make sure that Kaya is save, she could join our fight” Lucy continued and everyone look at her with blank face

“You, honestly, who are you?”

“Are you eat something that so strange?”

“You use your brain, can't believe it”
Lucy's brows twitched “I'm smart after all of the accident and adventure that we experience! Just leave me alone for this, goodness” She puffed her cheeks makes Nami cooed and pinched her cheeks

“I don't know that you can be so cute like this” She said

“Everyone said that. They all like to pinched my cheeks, but when I'm mad, they were so quick to dissapeard before smell my pheromones”

At the mention, the three perk up in Lucy's second gender

“What is your second gender, Lucy?” Nami asks

“Omega, Crown omega” And everyone gasped

“No way.... You are one of the rare omega” She has her hand in front of her mouth

Lucy nodded “So do my sisters”

“Wait, your sisters? Not brothers?” Usopp asks

“Yeah, they are same as me. A girl, maybe some of us also swap gender in this time” Lucy continued munching the snacks

“Oh right! Before I forgot Nami, here, your clima tact, like the last one you have” Usopp gave her the staff

“Thanks, Usopp. I can't wait to use it again” She beamed

“Zoro, in the Longuetown, I'll give you some money and buy your swords, okay” Zoro opened his eyes and turn to look Lucy before nodded

“Where are you find a treasure?” Nami asks her with her eyes became like a money

“My family give me some before I set sail here, and I have it in my bag. I don't want the treasure sink to the sea if I stuck in the whirlpool like last time, so I flying here” Lucy said

“Right, your devil fruit also different from Zoro's explanation earlier” Usopp said

“How about you all? What is your second gender?” Lucy asks

“I'm an alpha” Usopp said

“Me and Zoro are both alpha” Nami said
“So, three alphas and one crown omega. What about your suppressant, Lucy?” Usopp look at her worried

“Don't worry, Whiskey gave me a lot after all. My mate not here, so I have to stock some medicine. I will restock again when we docked at Longuetown later” Lucy waving her hands and they all relax before tensed again

“You have a mate??!!”

“You've met your mate?!!”

“Zzzzz” And Lucy just nodded innocently leaving the shocked Nami and Usopp with a sleeping Zoro

Suddenly a ring of den den mushi heard. Lucy pick up the den den and heard her mate's voice

“Hello, Monkey D Lucy here, to whom I speak?”

“Hey love, how are you, yoi?”

“I'm fine, sweetheart. How's Pops?”

And the booming voiced could be heard “Gurarara, Hello, my daughter, How's your day? I'm fine and still strong this day”

Lucy chuckled and she could heard a laughter from the den den “My day is great, Pops. I get a new member for my division. A first mate, a sniper, and a navigator”

“Good, always be careful. We still waiting for you to came back here, Gurarara”

“I thought you have to wait for years? Still long I assume” She chuckled and the others on the house snickered

“Nooo!!!! You have to be back here a year later, Luuuu” Thatch whined from the den den makes Lucy and everyone laughed

“I will think of it, Thatchy” She smiled

“I miss your cooking, Lu” Now was Ann voice and the fork that on Nami's and Usopp's hand were dropped with a surprised Zoro

“WHAT!!!” They screamed

“Uhh, who is that, Lu?” Sab asks

“Ohh, my new members. Say hi guys” And the three greeted them

“But, wait, Lucy. You can cook?” Nami was so shocked

“Uh-huh, I can”

“Liar!!” Usopp said

“No Usopp, I'm not lying”

“Last time we checked, you almost burned down the kitchen” Zoro said with his bored voice

“Last time you checked that was a decade before, oi!! I can cook some food now, hmph”

“Wait wait, how can they knowing you couldn't cook before?” Ann asks

“Believe me, Ann. My old crew was send back like me in this time too. So yeah, they know”

“Ohh, alright if you say so”

“They knew?” Zoro asks and Lucy nodded

“Maybe I'll call you all later. I have someone to beaten up, shishishi, bye guyss” She hung up and prepared the attack for that kitten pirate

They beaten up that bad pirate on Usopp island the next day, and got a ship, the going merry and set sail afterward

“Hey Usopp, stirr the ship to the back of that stone. There are Jhonny and Yosaku” Zoro said


“Are we have enough lemon, Nami?” Lucy asks

“Sure, Lucy. We have a lot, if I'm not mistake, one of them having a scurvy” She said

“Yeah, I think you're right. But, not everything will be happen this time, so we must be prepared for the worst” Lucy said whilst she look at the sea

Usopp and Nami helped Jhonny and Yosaku and Zoro just sleep on the railing like usual

“If you want to search a chef, I know the place” Jhonny said to Lucy

“Sure, I need a chef” She smiled

“There's a restaurant, a baratie, the floating restaurant in east blue” He said
“Set course to baratie, Nami. We have to find a cook” She smiled to Nami

“And I'll be in the kitchen if you need me” Lucy then walked to the kitchen and started to made some cookies

She was so deep in her cookies and not aware with Nami

“What are you making, Lucy?” Nami sat in the chair near stove

“Some cookies, Nami. You want?” She gave her a plate of a new cookies

Nami hesitatnt to tried but ended ate one and shocked with the taste “It's nice, sweet but not much. How do you make it?”

“I took a lesson to cook with Sanji before, but improved it myself like making some cookies or another cake. Ideally I never want to touch some utensil for cooking, but that's just came out of nowhere” She shrugged and Nami continued eating the cookies

“I'll leave one plate again for Usopp, Zoro, Jhonny and Yosaku. Please tell them later, kay, Nami”

“Sure. But, what about the big box there?”

“Ahh, that's for my family. They missed my cooking before, so I made cookies for them” Lucy packed the cookies to the big box

“And how do you send it? If by bird, the cookies maybe would be stale. Where's your family actually?” Nami keep munching

“In the New World”

Nami then spouted the cookies and bulding her eyes “New World? That's so far, Lucy!”

“It's okay, Nami” Lucy chuckled and snapped her finger. The big box then dissapeard and a white big dog appeared with some toys and foods

Nami's jaw dropped at that. Lucy just laughed before the dog tackle her

“Yes, Stefan. I miss you too, now play with this for a moment” She gave Stefan a munching toys

Lucy then look at Nami “My devil fruit, like you see when we defeated kitten pirate was different. I'm a white phoenix, I could change to a big white phoenix, and also teleport. Not just myself, but I can teleport everything that I see or something in my mind. Like Stefan, I'm bored and want to play with him, so I teleport him to me and same for the box of cookies, shishishi”

Stefan was bored, so he decided to walked out on the main deck and play there. Nami and Lucy still chattering and not minding about Stefan who was scaring Usopp on the deck

Meanwhile in the moby dick, Ann was leaned on the railing with Thatch when a pop sound came from their side. They both look at the big box and then to each other

“What do you think in the box, Dove?” Thatch asks and Ann just shrugged

“Better bring it to Pops for safety” And they approached Whitebeard who with the rest of commanders

“Pops! We have a box, out of nowhere” Thatch said made everyone look at them

“Marco, check the box” Whitebeard command

Marco then walked closer and check for a letter if that possible. And gotcha, he found it

“There's a letter, Pops, yoi”

“What's it, my son?”

Marco then opened the letter and read it before smiled softly “From Lucy. She said to enjoy some cookies that she made. Still new and fresh, yoi”

At the mention, they all cheered. Ann then opened the box and everyone swear could smell the cookies from far

In the box was lot of cookies. They were labelled so everyone could tasted it. The commanders took their labelled one and the rest they gave to the others of Whitebeard. Whitebeard himself obviously have one big plate for the cookies

“I know that I missed her cooking, but god, this cookies is so good. I really love it” Ann said

“You're right. The sweet fitted with my tounge” Sab munching again

“I'll gladly eating her cookies after this” Thatch beamed

“She was so sweet, Ann just said she missed her cooking and now we have a whole cookies from her” Vista smiled

“That's my baby sister” Haruta proudly said

“I usually not prefer sweet things, but this cookies is different, yoi. Like Sab said, sweet but not to much” Marco crooned

“Gurararara, my daughter really knows how to made her siblings love her again and again” Whitebeard took one of the cookies

“Indeed, Pops. Little birdie sure our sunshine” Izou smiled and the rest enjoyed the cookies with a happy feels
They were happily chatting and forget about a big dog who's missing

Back to Lucy, she was playing tag with Stefan after explaing to Usopp and Zoro that the dog was her family pet

“Lucy, your other cookies is done. I wrapped it to the box you told me before” Nami shouted from the kitchen

“Yeah Nami, wait a minute. Now Stefan, just play with Usopp and you can sleep wherever you want except my navigator's room, kay” Stefan just ‘woof' and Lucy went to the kitchen

“To whom you send this one?” Nami asks

“Shanks, I missed him, Benn and the others” She smiled softly with Nami
“You really love him eh” Nami said

“He's like my father, Nami. My first father figure to me” She then snapped her finger and send the box to red force

“I hope they like my cookies” Lucy said and walked out to the main deck with Nami

“They will be. How about we playing with Stefan while waiting to arrive at baratie?”

“Yeayy, playinggg” Lucy then running towards Stefan and hugged the dog
Nami just smiled at her “She does change but not with her childish attitude” She chuckled

On the red force, Limejuice was in watch duty when suddenly in his right side was popped out a medium box with a letter above it

He read it and then shouted to the whole ship “HEY BASTARD!! WE GET A BOX FULL OF COOKIES FROM LUCY”

Everyone gather around to the main deck after that

“You said Lucy? Where?” Shanks asks

“Not Lucy, just a box of cookies from Lucy” Limejuice said and opened the box

Same like whitebeards before, the smell of the fresh cookies was nice in the air around the ship

“Are you lying? Lucy couldn't cook, Limejuice” Shanks look at him suspiciously

“I'm not, on the letter was written that she was cooking some cookies for us. She can cook, but not much like her chef” Limejuice gave him a letter

Hongo suddenly snatched one of the cookies and tried it “Woah, this is good! Anchor sure has a lot of talent” He said

Everyone turn at him and saw his expression. They then tried and immediately like the cookies

“I want to taste her other cook if the cookies is so tasty like this, Benn” Shanks whined

“You can send a letter to her and told her about wanting to eat her cooking, Shanks” Benn rolled his eyes whilst eating the cookies

“I will cook to her something when we meet later” Lucky Roo just happily munching the cookies with Yasopp
The rest of them were happily chattering whilst took the cookies for their story companion


Guess who has a spare time?? Yepp, that's meee ^^

Thank you for the new readers for the vote and respon

Also, to whoever that guess about Lucy's crew having their memories, congratulation, you're right!!!

How can you predict that? Must be magic hahahaha

Maybe just that. Hope you enjoy this chapter

Have a nice day...

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