"Don't get so close to me." Peter pushed him away, the merc was surprised by his strength and chuckled to himself.

Peter and Deadpool walked through back alleys, looking for the best place to take pictures and not bother the people.
"How about we go on a building?" Deadpool suggested.

"I can't, I don't like heights."

"Spider-Man said that, but I don't believe it."

"It's true, let's just stay on the ground." He was really hoping that Deadpool wasn't smart enough to piece anything together.

"Boring, but fine." Deadpool kicks a rock while peter sets his camera up.
"Hey the V day is coming up, got a hot date?" Deadpool asked.

"No, I'm too busy working."

"Fuck working, you're too cute to be single, especially on Valentine's Day."
Peter blushed at his words and turns around to hide.
"Awe you getting shy?"

"Shut up, let's just get this over with."

"Quick question, do you like men or women?" Deadpool spoke softly.

"I'm not answering, please focus."

After an hour of being annoyed and taking a bunch of photos, Peter was tired. Deadpool however, was bouncing off the wall.
"You're like a kid on sugar." Peter comments.

"Try crack it's fun."

"No thanks, I got what I need, hopefully my boss will like them."

"Let me take you to dinner." Deadpool jumps and stands in front of Peter.

"I don't date villains."

"But I'm not a villain, I'm um well, what does the internet say, a chaotic neutral."

"I like to date people who's faces I can see, so bye." Peter goes home while Deadpool sat and had a long thought process.

The next day, peter gave his boss the Deadpool photos, and he surprisingly liked most of them. One would be used for the front cover, and Peter already knew he was going to make it seem like Deadpool was a villain.
"I got it, new menace arrives, the city is under attack."

"Sir, that would put everyone in a panic."

"Exactly, that's how we sell more, people will want to stay updated." He says with a grin.

"Wow, I'm starting to think you're the real criminal mastermind here." A man walks in, he looked very professional in his black three piece suit.

"Why do people keep barging into my office? Who the hell are you?"

"I'm wolf, James wolf. And I would like to speak with the photographer of the Spider-Man pictures."

"That's me." Peter smiles softly.

"Would you like to join me for lunch?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey, Parker, don't go working for someone else you hear." He yells as peter followed James out the door.

Peter silently followed james outside, and to a black bmw.
"Get in." Said James.
Peter was slightly nervous, but gets in and they drive to an abandoned warehouse.
"Um, what are we doing here?"

"Having lunch." He smiles, but his eyes weren't smiling.
Before Peter can react he felt something prick his side, he looks at the back of the seat and saw a needle, his vision started to blur and then he fell unconscious.

When Peter woke up, he found himself unable to move, as he was strapped to a table. A bright light blinds him to his surroundings.
"What's going on?"

Spideypool (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now