"Payakan he is an outcast. He is known as a killer tulkun" Tsireya says and looks to Lo'ak, worried.
"He's not. You don't understand, he saved my life" Lo'ak replies.

Just as they're talking, Lo'ak sees Jake, Tonowari and Ronal walking towards them.
He quickly stands up.
Lo'ak's sudden action makes everyone turn around.

"Rayena. Daughter" Tonowari says.
She immediately stands up.
Lo'ak walks forward, standing next to her.
Both confused as to what is going on.

"You allowed this?" Ronal asks Rayena.
"Allowed what?" Rayena was confused as to what was going on.
"You allowed him to bond with the outcast!" Ronal shouts at her.

"Rayena. You disappoint me daughter" this is the first time Tonowari has ever been unhappy with her.

"Sir I can explain" Rayena says to Tonowari.

She usually calls him father, but addresses him as sir in serious situations as such.

"I'm sorry, but you are wrong" Lo'ak says to Tonowari, "Payakan is not a killer. He saved me."
"Lo'ak" Tsireya calls out to him. 
He turns around and she shakes her head no, telling him not to speak and to listen.

Lo'ak turns back around, facing Tonowari.

"Sit down" he says to Rayena and Lo'ak.
They both squat down, Tonowari squats down to and Jake.

Tonowari then looks to Lo'ak, "here my words boy. In the day of the first songs, the tulkuns fought amongst themselves. For territory and for revenge. But they came to believe, that killing, no matter how justified, would only bring more killings. So, killing was forbidden. This is the tulkun way. Now Payakan, he is a killer, and so he is outcast."

"I'm sorry sir. But you are wrong" Lo'ak says.
"That's enough!" Jake shouts at him.
Rayena stills looks down, as she feels Tonowari and Jake's gaze on her.

"Rayena. You know better than this. You should have taught him what Payakan is like" Ronal says to her.
"I saw what I saw" Lo'ak says to Tonowari.

Jake then grabs onto Lo'ak's arm, "I'll deal with this one."
He drags Lo'ak away. 
Rayena turns around to look at Neteyam. And he's looking down.
Jake pushed Lo'ak into the pod, "Tonowari is Omo'eleyktan. That is not how you speak to him. What were you thinking?" Jake asks.

"I'm sorry sir. But they are wrong about him. About Payakan. I was there with him. If he was a killer, why am I not dead?" Lo'ak says to Jake.
"I don't want to hear it. Your grounded for a month, no riding" Jake replies.

"But father" Lo'ak tries to get Jake's attention.
"You've dissapointed us. Time and time again. I don't want to hear it" Jake says and walks out the pod.

Rayena is stood outside, on the opposite side, so she heard everything.
She walks to Jake.

"Sir" she says to him.
Jake turns around and sees Rayena.
"I am sorry, that my son got you into trouble" Jake says.
She shakes her head no, "did you even give Lo'ak a chance? To hear him out?"

Neteyam and Neytiri walk to Jake and Rayena.
"What's going on?" Neytiri asks.
"What did you say to me?" Jake moves himself, so he is facing Rayena properly.

"You have a son. Lo'ak. Who sincerely believes that you don't like him" Rayena says.
"Rayena what are you doing" Neteyam whispers to her, trying to move her away.
But she doesn't budge.

"I mean, he was trying to communicate with you just now. He wanted to tell you something, make you see what he saw. He's speaking. But why aren't you listening to him?" Rayena asks.

Jake is taken back, as he stands there.

"Why is he not the most important thing to you? Just one time at least" Rayena says.
"How would you know how I am with my sons and what is important to me" Jake walks to Rayena and looks down at her in the eye.

Neteyam is stood sort of in between, sort of on the edge, trying to get Rayena and Jake to stay away from each other.

"You are right. I do not know how you felt about him and how you treated him before you came here. But what I do know is that you've called him a disappointment. Twice. Lo'ak is a child" Rayena says.

"Do not teach me how to parent young lady" Jake says and points his finger at her.
"I don't want to. I'm not trying to. I just want you to listen to him. Instead of pushing him away. Because I know what that feels like. And to me, Lo'ak is a good friend. He is trying his best. You should see it but you just choose not to" Rayena says.

She walks away from them.
Neytiri walks to Jake, "she is not wrong. You are hard on him. Too hard on him. He is a kid, just trying to find his way. You should be proud of him for being able to fit in and make friends with the other people."

Neteyam turns around to look at Rayena.
She looks back at him.
They both smile at each other.

"Thankyou" Neteyam mouths to her.
She nods and looks the other way, walking off.

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