Chapter 8 : War Contract.

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Note: this is the last chapter for the KokoSara!! 😠

Kokomi's pov :

Once I woke up from my sleep I saw Sara right next to me. Changing in front of me. 

Oh good morning Sara~


Sara quickly put her shirt on and blush.

Why didn't you tell me that you were awake????

Heheh I just wanted to see you shirtless that's all.

Kokomi no not now.

You're no fun~

Sorry Kokomi.

Sara kiss Kokomi. Kokomi broke the kiss and just smiled at her.

Awwww birdy~

Yes Kokomi?

Can we fuck again???

Ah- I can't sorry Kokomi. I have to go to work today to decision some matters, but I'll be back in the evening!

What- leaving for the whole day??? Well fine and also be careful.

Sara just smiled at Kokomi and left the room.

Why are you leaving me already...
Kokomi thought to herself.

Sara's POV :

Damnit I hate running to work.

Once I got to work I see one of my soldiers panicking.

Hey what the fuck is happening?

Ah General Sara! We have a contact from an enemy! You must see it for yourself right now!


Sara was confused so confused she wanted to ask so much questions but she just went to the paper location and seeing it herself. Right in front of her said "War contract." Sara was about to rip the paper and burn it but once she was reading through it she saw this word that caught her eyes "But if you planning to burn and rip it apart we are killing Kokomi. If you accept this contract then Kokomi could live but it's causing your life." Sara was thinking to herself like if she does sign it then she won't be able to see Kokomi at all but it's fine. Right? Sara went through hours of thinking and she decided that she is going to to sign it. She is regretting it already but she wants to keep Kokomi safe. After reading and then signing it Sara just smile to herself thinking of that she has done. Welp no hoping on escaping now. Sara just say in her office and does her paper work. Then she would look at the contract and then decided to send it to that person. Once she did she just sigh and went to her office again working on paper work over and over again until she could leave.

Time skip 2 days later.

Sara's open the door and see Kokomi laying on the couch.


Ah- hello love.

Hmm you seem upset. Did something made you upset? If so tell me I'm here!!!

Haha- it's just I'm stress that's all love and also I have a gift for you.

Huh???? A gift?

Mhm a gift.

Sara hand over Kokomi the gift.

A gift?!?!?

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