"Good morning, students," Professor McGonagall said, peering around at her students. "Today we'll be learning about the spell Floris. Can anybody tell me what the spell is used for?"

Hermione, who sat next to Pansy, raised her hand.

Draco knew that Harry was just trapped inside his invisible box. When Hermione finished her ranting about the spell, with a flick of Draco's wand and mutter of "Floris," a Lily appeared in his hand. He took off the stem and placed it on Harry's ear as he remembered Harry doing that to him a little while back but with a rose.

When Harry turned his head to look at him, Draco smiled and whispered, "You're beautiful." Draco's smile grew as he saw that beautiful red tinge on Harry's cheeks appears. He kissed Harry's cheek, even though it earned him a stern but amused look from the strict professor. Draco chuckled and heard a faint, "You're beautiful too," coming from Harry. He squeezed Harry's hand from under the table and focused on the lesson. He muttered another "Floris," which a delicate red rose appeared, and he gave it to Harry.

Harry gave a small smile, not a fake one but a real smile. Everything sweet Draco does, tend to make Harry feel a little better. Harry decided to just practice the spell, muttering "Floris," and watching as Hibiscus', Poppy's and Hydrangea's appeared on the table. He gave Draco the Hydrangea as he believed it was the prettiest flower from the lot, and because Draco was the prettiest person he ever knew. But as he gave Draco the flower, his arm was still throbbing from last night's cutting session after the nightmare. Not the nightmare he usually gets but the new one. The one where his mother, father and Cedric are all disappointed in him. Just by thinking of the nightmare sank Harry back down into his depression.

Draco sighed when seeing that familiar numb and empty look on Harry's face like he was a dead man. He squeezed Harry's hand again, hoping it can bring him back to life. It didn't work, Harry just stared at one particular spot for the rest of the class. Draco stared down at the Hydrangea Harry gave him, it was prettier than the other flowers Harry conjured, and he couldn't help but smile lovingly at the boy he loves so much.

By the time class finished, Draco stood by Harry's side until they got to the Fat Lady's portrait. Draco would have loved to go into the common room but didn't know if Harry would want him to or even if the Gryffindors. So, he just watched Harry disappear behind the portrait without even a kiss goodbye. He sighed and was about to head back to the Slytherin common room, but he turned around, said the password, and entered through the portrait. He rushed through the common room, ignoring everyone but looking for Harry. A girl with brown hair pointed up to the boy's dormitory and Draco gave a nod of thanks and headed up to the dormitory. He knocked on the door, just like how Harry's dormmates asked him to do when visiting but nobody answered. Draco sighed, turned the doorknob, and rushed inside. Empty. He dreaded the worst that Harry could have gone to and done. That moaning girl's bathroom.

Draco stormed down the stairs to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. When entering, he could smell a kind of metallic aroma. It was blood as he knew. He looked around the bathroom, checking every stall but nobody was there. He leaned against one of the bathroom stalls and sighed, raking his hand through his hair and hoping Harry's okay. However, he didn't know that he was being watched.

Harry sat in the corner of the bathroom in fear and shock, he covered his mouth to stop him from breathing so heavily. Draco was here. He was lucky enough to have remembered putting up silencing and privacy wards around himself when he first came down here so he sighed in relief knowing Draco couldn't hear him. But what Harry wondered was why Draco was down here.

Did Draco come looking for him? Did he do something wrong to upset Draco? Well, he knew he didn't give a goodbye kiss, but he just felt too depressed to do it. He couldn't. He'd just break down into tears and cry all over Draco, just like he did on the night Cedric... No... He couldn't think of that right now... The guilt was still building up inside him and he could never forget it.

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