What if Puro took care of Newborn Baby Gaster

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Puro was drawing some things to pass the time as a bundle of joy slept in a crib Dr. K made for him to keep Baby Gaster in, Puro checks on Newborn Baby Gaster as he picks him up gently, he would rock him gently to keep him calm.

Puro: He is adorable.

Puro whispers to himself as he puts Lil Gaster back into his crib. As he continued drawing, he hears Newborn Baby Gaster crying, he picks him up gently and he sits down on a cushion.

Puro: Shhh... shhh... don't cry, mama's here.

Puro begins to rock Newborn Baby Gaster gently as he kisses his forehead, and soon he begins to sing him a lullaby. Puro sees Newborn Baby Gaster begin to calm down in his arms, he smiles at him and he continues rocking him, instead of going back to drawing, he cradled Newborn Baby Gaster, kissing his forehead again as he sees him fall asleep in his arms.

Puro: Good Night, my little one.

Puro smiles at Newborn Baby Gaster as he sees him sleeping in his arms, happy to see him sleeping comfortably in his arms.

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