Part 1

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Mallika and Naaz plotted and planned together on how to separate Advait from Nehmat. Mallika with the help of Naaz tried several means to come close to Advait but all her trials went in vain.

Finally, one fine day Naaz comes to Mallika with an idea, "Mallika you need to get pregnant!!" Mallika spits the water she was drinking and asks Naaz, "What are you saying Naaz? Are you out of your mind?"

Naaz, "Yes I'm in my right mind Mallika!! I want you to get pregnant." Mallika, "What are you saying? I'm not yet married!!" Naaz, "Yes and if you get pregnant with Advait's child then he will have no other choice than to marry you." Mallika was shocked.

Mallika, "But how is it even possible? Advait has all his attention towards his wife. I had tried several tricks to draw his attention towards me but you know how all of them failed."

Naaz smirks and says, "But now I have a masterplan to get him to sleep with you." Mallika, "What is it?" Naaz, "Papaji (Shamsher) has planned a small outing for his sons and their wives at Chandigarh during this weekend." Mallika disappointedly, "So his sons and wives are Advait, Nehmat, Nikhil and you. What will I do with you all there?"

Naaz, "Mallika!! Mallika!! Listen to my plan carefully. You too should come there but do not let anyone know that you are over there." Mallika, "But what will I do there?" Naaz, "That which I mentioned earlier." Mallika gets thinking how Naaz asked her to get pregnant with Advait's child. Mallika, "I still don't understand how will it happen?" Naaz, "Mallika, the outing is scheduled for the day. After the outing, when everyone returns to the hotel all will be tired." Mallika, "And do you think Advait will get close to me when he is tired? Naaz, Advait is a politician and is as sharp as an eagle. He will easily recognize if I try to get close to him even if he is totally exhausted." Naaz, "I have a solution for that too. I will mix enough sleeping pills in Jeeju's drink that he will not know who he had slept with the previous night." Mallika, "Then what about Nehmat? Do you think she will let her husband fall into such a trap?" Naaz, "Oh enough of Nehmat's pativrata!!! I will mix sleeping pills in her drink too and make her doze off so that she will not hinder in our plan. So are you ready to become the mother of Advait's child?" Mallika thinks for a moment and nods her head in agreement. Naaz smilingly hugs her saying, "That's like my girl!!"

The weekend

Advait, Nehmat, Nikhil and Naaz reach Chandigarh and check-in at Hotel Raj. Mallika too comes to Chandigarh and checks-in at the same hotel without letting know the Kapoors of her presence. During the day, the Kapoors go out for the outing and they return much later in the evening. All were extremely worn out after the outing.

Naaz tells them, "Come we should all have dinner together. I have heard this hotel serves the best cuisine in the whole city." Nehmat, "I'm really tired Naaz, I don't feel like having dinner." Advait. "Yeah me too. I would opt for an empty stomach sleep today." Nikhil agrees with both of them. However Naaz compels all of them, "Oh come on all of you spoilsport. When will we get another chance to have food here together when we are leaving early morning tomorrow? Please let's have something light?" Advait, Nehmat and Nikhil finally give in to Naaz's demand.

While having dinner, Naaz orders drinks for all and mixes sleeping pills in Nehmat and Advait's drink. She sees Mallika sneering at her from behind and shows her a thumbs up. Mallika reciprocates. After dinner, Naaz suggests that she would like to sleep with her sister as they have lots to talk about the trip. The brothers agree and start towards their room. However, Naaz stops Nikhil and tells him, "Nikhil I want you to send your Veerji to room no. 109 tonight." Naaz surprisingly asks her, "But why Naaz?" Naaz, "I have a surprise for Advait jeeju and Nehmat." Nikhil smilingly, "I really love your care and concern for my family Naaz. How much you think about everyone." Naaz tells him, "So will you do my work?" Nikhil, "Sure!" Naaz smirks.

A while later

Naaz brings Mallika to the room and tells her, "Remember Mallika, you have to become pregnant somehow so do whatever you can for that!!" Mallika nods and nervously looks towards the room. Naaz angrily, "Now what are you waiting for? Go" She pushes Mallika into the room and smirks rubbing her nose with her index finger saying, "Hun hona hai swaad!!" Naaz anxiously awaited to know what was happening inside the room but soon starts feeling drowsy.

She goes to her room and falls onto her bed sleeping. Nehmat was surprised.

Next day morning

Naaz gets up when Nehmat wakes her up and asks her, "What happened to you Naaz? You wanted to talk the whole night but slept off?" Naaz realizes that she slept off the whole night and rushes to the room 109. She knocks. Advait asks her to come in. Once she goes inside, she looks around for Mallika, the latter was nowhere to be found. She asks Advait, "Did you sleep well Jeeju?" Advait, "Ah yes, I don't even remember how the night passed once I entered my bed." Naaz smiles craftily, "So my work is done!!"

After that, all the four of them return to Moga and return to respective daily chores. Naaz tries to reach out to Mallika but the latter ignores all her calls. Naaz was surprised with Mallika's ignorance towards her.

Finally after a month, Naaz unable to bear Mallika's ignorance anymore goes to meet her in the Randhawa house.

Randhawa House, Mallika's room

Naaz to Mallika, "What is wrong with you Mallika? I was constantly trying to call you but you were not even picking up my calls? I want to know the result of our plan?" Mallika sadly, "I'm PREGNANT!!!" Naaz jumps in excitement, "So that means, that means our plan worked out?"

Mallika continues in a sober tone, "The child is not Advait's. It is Nikhil's !!!!"

Naaz was stunned to hear that, she then remembers the blunder of that night. She had unknowingly exchanged Advait and Nehmat's drinks with hers and Nikhil's drinks and sent Mallika to room no.110 where Nikhil had been sleeping.


The End

Blunder of a drunken stupor - Niknaaz-Kanik OSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن