Shayna: You took my title, and now it's coming home with me!

...and she stomped Kaori's head into them!

I covered my mouth in shock as Masami saw what happened and started beating her ass so stiffly that I think she's hurting Shayna for real!

Bianca then picked Kaori up and threw her into the ring, but when the camera got a better shot of my sister, I feared what was going to happen.

Kaori had been gashed open on the top of her head.

I looked away for a second so I could recompose myself on the other side, Masami had taken a chair and started beating Shayna with it until she wrapped it around Baszler's head, took another, and performed a Con-Chair-To onto Shayna, possibly crushing her trachea!

Masami: 彼女をいじる、私をいじる、クソ野郎! (You mess with her, you mess with me, you fucking bitch!)

As the camera was back on Kaori, Shayna did a number on her because blood was pouring out of that wound. Even if she tried to shake her head to make the blood flow stop, it would fly out all over the mat!

I was deeply concerned for Kaori and I don't know how she'll be able to handle the red that's coming out of her head.

Eventually, she was covered but the pin was broken up by Masami, but she had to make it worse.

Masami: ああ! カイリ! あなたは大丈夫?! (AHH! KAIRI! ARE YOU OKAY?!)

Kaori is completely out of it and didn't know where she was, not to mention she now has a crimson mask almost immediately.

However, Kaori was standing and up looking fired up went onto the top rope, regardless of the blood coming down her face.

Kaori: BIANCA!

Bianca stood up and my sister had to say...

Kaori: EAT THIS!

And she leapt and gave a forearm to her and covered her but BeLair kicked out at 2!

Instead of feeling down, Kaori went away from her and started giving her a couple chops. Until Bianca looked for a boot, Kaori looked for a roll up, but Bianca flipped over and looked for a dropkick, but Kaori gave her a kick to the back of her head, sending her to the ropes.

Masami was on the outside, Kaori looked to Irish whip her, but Bianca countered, Masami performed a springboard dropkick to Bianca and Kaori did a dropkick to Shayna as well!

That was such good teamwork and I'm glad that I'm Kaori's brother and I'm Masami's boyfriend.

Masami then performed her signature double knees to Bianca's face and put her a way's away from the corner and looked to perform her Moonsault Double Stomp, but Bianca caught one of her feet and she got kicked.

Masami flew for a crossbody but Bianca caught her in mid-air and when Kaori went inside to attack her, she hit my sister in the face by using Masami's feet before throwing my girlfriend over her head!

She covered Masami but Baszler broke up the pin. I even noticed that Shayna was breathing heavy and she was coughing after Masami had crushed her trachea! That was probably the most brutal thing I've ever seen.

Shayna then picked up Masami for a reverse Gutwrench Slam before giving a Kaori a knee to her face and then focusing on that open wound!

She was so weak that the blood was making her feel fatigue and some pain before Baszler went after Bianca and started giving her an elevated Kirafuda Clutch!

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