If BlueLock was an idol group

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If BlueLock were an idol group and not a football group...

Isagi Yoichi 

He would be the center and the leader of the group.

Bachira Meguru

He would be the main dancer and main rapper of the group.

Chigiri Hyoma 

He would be the main dancer and the main vocalist (because his voice actor Soma Saito has a great singing voice ^_^).

Kunigami Rensuke

He would be the lead vocalist (because his voice actor Yuki Ono also has a great singing voice ^_^).

Reo Mikage 

He would be the sub vocalist of the group. 

Nagi Seishiro 

He would be the lead dancer and the lead rapper of the group.

**I imagine them being idols as their alternative jobs. ^_^

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