016. The slug club

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"It was about the rumor wasn't it?" The girl interrupted. Untying her hair from her favorite pink scrunchie and putting it on her wrist. James watched as her blonde hair fell in front of her face and he was suddenly sad that he could no longer see her face so without thinking he took her hair and put it behind her ear, smiling when he noticed the blush on her cheeks.

"Yeah... He confronted me when I was walking out of transfiguration. He said something about you and we got into a heated argument. Remus dragged me away before anything happened,"

"Guess I should thank Remus then," she chuckled.

James smiled. He was grateful for Remus, he always kept the group out of trouble and always put the group's needs in front of his own.

"Just promise me that you won't get into any more fights with Lucius. I don't need you to be getting hurt," Eva sighed, and with a hesitant nod, James promised.

"Pinky promise?" Eva held out her pinky waiting for James to agree.

"I pinky promise," he rolled his eyes with a smile before twisting his pinky onto hers.

"Good because you know what happens when you break a pinky promise?"

"What?" James answered with a question.

"A fairy dies," Eva frowned. "So don't break promises,"

"Okay, I won't," James chuckled admiring the girl's cuteness. James took another hit while Eva watched the white smoke come out of his mouth, blending into the dark night.

The two stayed in silence for a little bit. If Eva was being honest she liked the silence with James. It wasn't how it normally is. With James it's more relaxing, knowing that James was there and with her made the silence comfortable.

"Eva. I'm sorry about the rumor," James said finally breaking the silence.

"It's okay," Eva reassured.

"I wish there was something I could do. I told people that it wasn't true but you know how that goes," James really was scared that this rumor would ruin their friendship especially because it was really gross rumor that didn't even affect James but affected Eva more which he found extremely sexist because people were labeling her as a "slut" while James was being praised.

"James it's okay. I mean it's not your fault," Eva tilted her head.

"I feel like it is," James pouted. "God! You do not know the things they were saying about you Eva. It was bad,"

"James look at me. I don't really care what people think about me. No matter what I do there always gonna have something to say so I just stop caring," she shrugged. "Don't beat yourself up, you didn't do anything wrong,"

James nodded as he took another drag of his cig before smashing the end of it on the ground to stop it from burning more. The two teens figured they should probably go back to the dorms so James used his invisibility cloak to cover both him and Eva so they wouldn't have to worry about getting caught. James walked Eva to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was. He always did this after their little talks in the tower. It was something small and probably meaningless to James but to Eva it meant everything. The fact that he cared about her enough to walk her to the common room and make sure she got in safely warmed her heart.

𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒋𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now