The Prophecy

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So I went to the nurse's office and I told them Lefty hurt and they said "From a scale from one to one hundred how much does it hurt and I said "420" and she said oh that's serious gotta call your Papa Smurf and I said its okay just don't call my merm she's working.So they called my papa smurf to tell him my hand hurts a lot and he said HOLY SWEET JESUS"The Nurse screamed "WHAT HAPPENED" My dad said "I stepped on my torta,its okay ill pick him up."Later my dad takes me to the hospital and they take my pop-swag mlg x-rays and they said "your arm is broken,Welcome to the Cripple Headquarters,you are our new leader."And I said "Omg that is so awesome,but what is a cripple" "A cripple is someone from the age 13 that has been hurt physically,emotional,or mentaly on Tuesdays."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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