Emerald eyes

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3rd pov:

The hallways were covered with blood from all the agents's death.
Scaramouche walked past them, not paying them a single moment of respect, not even minding them bleeding out in front of him.

If he stopped for a moment, he could possibly save a few lives but he didn't care.
He walked into a certain room where Dottore stood.

"The hell happened here?..." Scaramouche asked confused as he looked at the dead agents.
One had an arm cut of and had died from blood loss. Another one had his throat sliced and one had a stab wound at the back of his head.

Dottore sighed as he knew the truth would only get Scaramouche even more pissed off.

"I had caught a vessel for an experiment. It seems I underestimated her." He said simply and walked around the room, looking at the mess.

Scaramouche crossed his arms. "You and about thirty agents were owned by a single mortal?" He chuckled and looked at the mess Y/n had caused, not yet knowing it was her.

Dottore sighed. "To my defense she wasn't a mortal." He said and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Scaramouche studied the room. The broken container which had broken ice and glass surrounding it. Then he recalled Y/n having a cryo vision. If Dottore had captured an immortal, like Y/n was. He pieced everything together.
Did he really lock Y/n up in here?

Scaramouche glared at Dottore, only feeling his anger build up. "Did you lock Y/n up in here?" He asked.
Dottore only turned his head towards him and then away again. Scaramouche had gotten his answer.

His fists clenched. "Last warning Dottore..." he started.

"If you want to continue your plan with me, you will follow my conditions." Scaramouche spoke warningly.

Dottore then smiled and turned towards him.
"Now now Scaramouche, you can't blame me can you? I was way to interested. I must say I didn't expect her to slaughter an entire building of my agents." He said.

"She what? She killed them all?" Scaramouche asked with slightly widen eyes.

Dottore smirked. "Didn't expect that did you? It seems she's not the girl you remember." he said and walked out of the door, leaving Scaramouche to himself.

He looked around the room. Y/n had caused all these damages.

He looked down to the floor. It was almost as if he couldn't believe she was back. He had been alone for all these years and now she suddenly appeared again, like she appeared that day when they first met. It gave him a sense of Deja Vu.

A tinge of brief pain hit him in the chest as he recalled how he threatened to kill her if he saw her again.

It wasn't true. He would never kill her.
He was happy to see her even. However, he had hoped those words would cause her to stay away.
Because he feared how she would be mixed up in his new life.

As a harbinger, death followed him everywhere. Then she gave him the gnosis, the thing he wanted so badly. The thing that belonged to him.
And he felt as if she was truly there to save him again like she did all those years ago.

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