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Liyue, a nation of vast mountains and rich with ores, the story's of Liyue and it's Legendary adepti are known and told Through a wide arrange of storytellers. Currently one adeptus, Known as the conqueror of demons is making his way through Liyue, Speeding through the lands after receiving a message that the very person he had unwavering gratitude and loyally towards has just Fallen unconscious and is currently showing no signs of waking.

The adeptus teleports into the room where the one he olds utmost respect towards lays unmoving upon a bed, "What happened?!" He grits towards the Half adeptus girl Named Ganyu who's sitting in a chair beside the bed, he takes a deep breath trying to keep his Emotions in check.
"I don't know xiao, According to Hu Tao who brought him over to the bubu pharmacy, they were discussing something when out of nowhere zhongli held a hand to his hand as if he had a Headache and then just Fainted, Dr Baizhu said all we can do now is be patient and wait for him to wake up" Ganyu explained softly, Xiao glanced Worriedly at the former God of geo, before pulling up a Chair and sitting down "if you have work to do, you can go, I'll wait here" Xiao Spoke, His gaze not leaving zhongli "He's like a father to us all, I told keqing I'll be staying and she agreed to helping me cover my work, What about you? You can go if there's monsters to be taken care of?" Ganyu responded Turning to look at Xiao "it's shameful to say, but I agree, he is like a father-figure, as much as I'd like to stay by his side I cannot take break from my duty, so if it comes to a moment where I must leave, I do hope you'll contact me as soon as he shows signs of regaining consciousness" Xiao states glancing at Ganyu to see her nod then turning back to zhongli

It only takes 4 hours for Zhongli to regain consciousness, At the first sight of Consciousness Ganyu quickly calls out Xiao's name Who arrives in the blink of an eye. Zhongli's eyes open to the concerned glances of Ganyu and Xiao. "Rex- Zhongli! What happened?!" Xiao Asks, Concern showing on his face "did you get hurt? Are you feeling okay?? Shall I go get something for you? Medicine?, Water? Food?-" Ganyu questions "Im fine, Thankyou Xiao, Ganyu. I appreciate your concern but I am fine... although.. As for the reason I blacked out... it seems we have quite the problem on our hands...Ganyu, I'll need you to take me to see Ningguang, It seems my retirement was short-lived" Zhongli sighs as he informs the two who just look at each other confusion lacing their features but nevertheless Ganyu nods, helping Zhongli up before the 3 make their way to the jade chamber.
Upon arriving at the grand Building in the sky known as the jade chamber, the 3 walk through the doors entering the Grand building, which beauty shows through every radiant piece of gold strewn throughout the Intricate designs on walls and stairs. The 3 walk through the chamber towards Ningguang's office where the elegant lady Sits, sorting through documents. Her Golden eyes glance upward towards the guests entering the room, She Gestures for them to sit which Zhongli and Ganyu gladly do, though Xiao stands behind them.

"Please Excuse our sudden intrusion, but it seems there is a desperate situation, if you do not mind, I'd like the man beside me to explain the situation" Ganyu polity reports, Ningguang nods towards Zhongli signaling him to speak "I believe I should start by introducing myself- Which if I may ask, lady Ningguang, to avoid any mass panic I'd like my identity and what I'm about to say to be completely confidential" Zhongli Expresses, his tone going serious, The second Ningguang hears the tone her golden eyes narrow, with another nod she signals that it's safe to speak "First of all, My name is Zhongli, or you might know me as Rex lapis, The geo archon of Liyue" With Zhongli's introduction Ningguangs Eyes widen the slightest bit before she quickly regains her composure beckoning him to continue "Earlier today, I lost consciousness suddenly, in this time I- or should I say the seven archons were contacted by Celestia, They gave us a message which goes as such
" 'Welcome seven archons of Teyvat, We have come to a decision in which to solve the disorder and control among the nations, all humans in possession of a vision must return to the nation of the elements. Your jobs are simple 'keep those in possession of a vision corresponding to your element in your nation' Please note, if there is any signs of resistance. There will be Dire consequences which will be accompanied with Severe punishment. That is all, We will send a Enforcer in 2 days to collect the humans in possession of the visions and escort them safely to the nation of their element, If there a any complaints please do not speak of them, they will be ignored. Starting In 2 days, we will collect the individuals over 7 days one day for each element. Starting with anemo, Barbatos, you will be visited by the receiver in 2 days. That is all.' " Zhongli relays the message to a Shocked Ningguang

"Such a sudden decision, seeing as they said Anemo is first, the only Anemo vision user who visits Liyue is kazuha, but according to Beidou he's currently with them in Inazuma, other then kazuha" Ningguang's eyes glance up to the Anemo wielding Adeptus who is currently pacing back and forth in the room "Let us round up all the vision users in Liyue and discuss the situation to them, As for the situation here, I'll leave that to you Rex- Zhongli" Ningguang declares motioning for Zhongli to talk to Xiao, Zhongli nods Grateful to her for using the name Zhongli

The 3 leave the room so Ningguang can begin her plan in peace "Xiao-" Ganyu starts but before she can speak the man is gone "This'll be hard on him, Leaving liyue would be equivalent to leaving his duty" Ganyu tells Zhongli who nods understandingly "he is most likely at Wangshu inn, I'll go and talk with him" Zhongli informs Ganyu, The girl tips her head before giving a slight nod "You best go get to rounding up the vision users in Liyue" Zhongli speaks with a smile towards the girl turning around to leave before stopping "and ganyu-" Zhongli starts prompting Ganyu to turn around "yes?" She responds "Make sure you and Shenhe look after QiQi and chongyun, snezhnaya can be quite dangerous, Please look after them and yourselves" Zhongli announces before looking behind him and seeing Ganyu's face turn from concern to determination "you have my promise Rex lapis, I will protect them all and myself with everything I have" Ganyu declares before running off towards Liyue harbor, Zhongli smiles before continuing his journey to Wangshu inn.


Not long after Zhongli arrives at the grand inn built on the grand tree, As he walks into the inn "Good evening mr Zhongli, Xiao is on the upper balcony, He seems a bit more..Frantic, Constantly pacing, I do hope all is well" The owner
Verr goldet Tells Zhongli "Thankyou for your concern, i'll head up and attempt to speak with him" Zhongli responds before walking up the stairs towards the balcony.
Upon ascending the stairs to the balcony he can see Xiao sitting on the railing looking out among the vast mountains of liyue "I can't leave, I have a duty to protect Liyue, How can I protect liyue while being trapped in mondstadt" Xiao expresses as he notices zhonglis presence approaching him "Xiao, While I understand how dedicated you are to the protection of liyue... we can't go against celestia's demands" Zhongli replies, Leaning against the inns balcony railing casting his gaze to the lands of his nation- no, his peoples nation.

"If that drunkard causes any problems, you have my permission to knock some sense into him" Zhongli chuckles and before Xiao rants about how he couldn't possibly cause harm to a archon Zhongli speaks "But have no fear, You'll be safe in mondstadt, the only thing that I ask of you is if any trouble arises, Protect Everyone, including that drunkard if need be, But most importantly- Take care of yourself" Zhongli comments, Lifting his gaze from the lands to look at Xiao, Who responds with a determind nod "I swear to protect everyone" Xiao declares, bowing his head slightly Zhongli smiles before delivering a light pat to xiaos shoulder "Alright, I'll head off, make sure to return to liyue harbour in 2 days so I can see you off" Zhongli says before starting his trek back to Liyue harbour. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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