Fury put a hand on the young heroes soldier, "Kid, for any number of reasons, you have to get out of here." He led Peter to an agent and handed him his mask, "Follow Agent Brtick here to transport. You'll be in New York in an hour. You have people waiting for you."

Peter looked up at Fury, "But...Harry…"

"We got it under control," Fury said reassuringly.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

Agent Brtick knocked on the restroom door, "Mr. Parker, please hurry up."

Peter walked out, putting his arm into his shirt sleeve, "Are you escorting me home too?"

Brtick walked with Peter down the hall, "Both you and your aunt."

Peter's eyes widened in shock, "My aunt is here?"

"This was the best place to keep her safe," Brtick explained. He stopped Peter outside of the door, "We don't have much time so listen up: she believes that both of you and she were kept here the whole time, but kept you separated for security reasons. She was told that the two of us were picked up and held from protection from Norman Osborn, do you follow me?"

"So she thinks the she and I were here the whole time in separate," Peter said confused.

"Exactly," Brtick replied, "And you know nothing."


"You don't know anything," Brtick repeated.

Peter fiddled with his fingers, "Is she ok?"

Brtick rolled his eyes under his shades, "She's fine."

"Is she mad," asked Peter.

"Dunno," replied Brtick, "On a scale of one to ten…"

"I AM GOING TO SUE ALL OF YOU! YOU HEAR ME?," Aunt May screamed to the frightened S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"I'd say an 11," Brtick said jokingly.

"If I don't get to see my nephew and his friends right this second, right here RIGHT NOW! I am going to sue everybody in the sound of my voice," exclaimed Aunt May to Peter's amusement.

Peter chuckled lightly, "Aunt May."

Aunt May turned around and saw a smiling Peter in the doorway. She rushed over to her nephew and hugged him tightly, "Oh thank god!" She lifted her head and looked over Peter's shoulder, "Wait, where are the others?"

Maria Hill walked through the door followed by Gwen, MJ, Ava, Luke, Danny and Sam, "They're right here." Aunt May ran over and hugged all of the young friends with excitement. "Ms Parker, we'd like for Peter and his friends to stay behind for a few minutes for some questions, after that myself and a few of our agents will escort you to your new residence."

Peter turned to Maria confused, "New residence?"

"Octopus and Kraven destroyed your house when they attack your friends, so you'll be given a new house to live in," Maria explained to the web head.

Aunt May sighed and nodded, "Fine, I'll be out here if you need me." With that she left the room.

Maria turned to Peter and his team, "Now with you five, there's some things to clear up…" She looked at Peter, "We made you an appointment with Dr Reed Richards, he'll be the one to take the symbiote out." She turned to Ava, "Ayala, we know of your predicament, with your powers and all."

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