Gyokko's relatives visit

Start from the beginning

Douma: You Do Akaza- Dono?! So now will you be my fri-

Akaza: Don't push your luck asshole.


Nakime: Oh, someone is at the door. Let me get it. Plays biwa. 

Enter Gyokko's older Bro, who is a handsome ass demon Demon Slayer: AhahaHA!

Gyokko: * Big Gasp* WHAT?!

Gyokko's big bro: HeLlO EvErYoNe! HaHaHa!

Gyokko: *Angry Breathing* WGY DID YOU INVITED HIM?!?!!

Gyokko's mum: We-we knows him! He's apart of the family!


Kaigaku: Yea like everyone in every family! 🙂 (true)

Gyokko: fine. But he is Still a fucking Stain our family name. 

Gyokko says this a lot when they all meet up. So now Big Bro snaps finally.

Gyokko's big bro: THATS ENOUGH!!!  😡😡😡😡 *Pulls out a giant shotgun with Nichen bullets: oh shit!*

Everyone: Shocc, Panik.

Kokushibo: Ok put the gun down!

Gyutaro bolts from the table annd runs to his room faster than The Flash. Gyokko immediately puts his hands in the air. Hantengu Shrieks in fear and  shrinks into Minitengu and dives into the Kidney salad. Akaza puts his plate up as a Shield. Douma stares into space, not giving af. 

Nakime grabs Kokushibo's kimono and pulls up a pot lid as protection. Kaigaku starts screaming how he doesn't want to die with a bunch of fools (his sword is in his room). 

Gyokko's big bro: NO ONE WILL DO ANYTHING TO ME!! SIT DOWN, ALL OF YOU! NOWE WE ARE GOING EAET THIS CORPSE. U N D E R ST O O A D ?!?!! 🤬🤬 Agreement goes around the room. 

Gyokko: Um..can you pleas-

Big Bro: E A T. 😠

Everyone eats in silence. Gyokko's big brother: Mmn! That's a good meal! Mmm! My thanks to you, whoever made this!

Koku: Thank you..🙂

Gyokko uhh... don't you need a napkin? Gyokko's big bro: Oohhh that right! G E T THE N A P K I N S  Y O U F I S H Y , S U S H I  L O O K I N G  F U C K!!

Gyokko: ok ok, here! Gyokko then pulls out napkins to everyone in the family.

Gyokko's big bro the pat his face with the napkin he has little did he know...

Eeugh! Okkffhh! Gyokko's big brothers eyes went wide in horror. He stops for a minute. He then looks at his family. They are either dead or a wisteria purple with blood coming from their mouths. He then look at Gyokko who is looking like this:

Gyokko: 😈😈😈

Hantengu: Is it over Kokushibo..? Hangtengu the looks Koku who is for the first time in his life, scared. Akaza is looking at Gyokko, shocked. Douma is still staring into the void. Kaigaku is saying a prayer in Japanese. Nakime is holding a makeshift cross at Gyokko. Hantengu: Guys... what did he do?😨

Gyokko's big brother, who is slowly turning into a wisteria purple says: THIS IS WITSERIA AND ANTHRAX! YOU- KOFFF-  FISH— LOOKING BITCH MOTHERFUCKER!!!

The big brother then attempts to shoot Gyokko but misses entirely and hits a random demon in the background.

Gyokko's Big brother starts coughing up blood internally and intensely and then gurgles on his own blood and dies from the poisons. 

Gyokko: *Evil laughter*


Gyokko: Ah but you see Akaza, I knew you all would not take napkins. Hantengu was hiding in the salad, I obviously knew they were laced with the poisons cause I laced them, Akaza, you would take any because your meal was male flesh, and this meal was a female's corpse. Douma... idk how he is alive. Pure luck. Daki and Gyutaro obviously fled the scene as you all know. Kokushibo and Kaigaku eat  the food very politely so therefore they didn't need to have any napkins. And Nakime eats politely too has her own plate to eat alone so she also didn't get get a napkin. Besides the napkins on all of your plates were safe, guaranteed by me.


Akaza: Who else is now officially scared, impressed, and will take a mental note to NEVER fuck with Gyokko again?

Everyone except Douma, Hantengu because he knew,  and Gyokko: *Agrees*

*1107 words! A new record for me!*

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