Chapter 49-significant other

Start from the beginning

The five best trips you had was when you went mountain climbing up Mount Fuji led by Usagi, where you took amazing pictures and felt a huge sense of accomplishment. Also, when you went to a party organized by you at your penthouse for all of your friends and colleagues, all of them brought their close ones there. 

The one that displayed the bond and teamwork between the five of you was when Ann, Kuina and Heiya suggested participating in Japan's sports game that occurred every decade. It required a team of five that year, and the five of you were perfect, being athletic and excellent teammates for one another. Over there, there were multiple challenges for each of you, the last one being an intense obstacle course that the five of you had to cooperate and help each other in. In the end, the five of you ended up first, completing the last obstacle race just 0.01 seconds before the opposing team. 

Heiya was eternally grateful to you, having made a prosthetic leg for her to use free-of-charge when she was the most in need. You also financially supported her when she was still in high school, paying for her college fees too once in a while. She made sure to pay you back though, once she became a professional archer who won lots of awards for her performance. 

As for Ann, you supported her when she was doing her research, also getting her a job in your company at Kayami Manufactures. You loved how she did an amazing job at investigation and deduction, also being able to apply her knowledge to find out about certain devices. There was no certain way to be sure of how smart she actually was.

Using your connections, you made Usagi well-known for her mountain-climbing skills by putting her in a newspaper article, also publicizing her achievements in mountain climbing. Kuina, had made her own martial arts studio where she taught people her own martial arts techniques, also taking part in a few local competitions. You promoted her studio, inviting more people to join her studio.

(Just love how Kayami is that one rich friend who is LOADED.)

All four of them had been immensely helped by you, but your good deeds did not go unrewarded at all. All of them always made plans to surprise you with gifts, showering you with compliments and giving you credit for their success all the time. 

I mean, best friends are always there for each other, right?

Every time you had to go to the hospital because you had injured yourself while trying out your new invention, Chishiya would always demand to move you up on the priority list to the first patient, always insisting on being the one who treats you with extra care. All the time when you wanted to pay the medical bill, he would always let you off free of charge, not wanting to cause you any trouble.

You often visited Chishiya's hospital once you finished work early, or if you had free time. Over there, you would usually pay a visit to the children's section, helping them to pay their medical bills and also playing with them to give them entertainment. The thing you liked most about those young children was that they did not have a clue about who you were, so they did not treat you differently from any other human being. They were always so cute and kind, not wanting to leave the hospital solely because of you. However, you kept in contact with their parents, who were thankful to you for helping them so much. Sending letters to every one of them on special occasions like their birthday, you would also visit their house sometimes to bring joy to their lives.

After they grew up to be young teenagers, they soon came to know who exactly you were, and always looked up to you, wanting to be the angel you always were. 

You could not find a proper reason as to why you liked children so much. Maybe it was because every time you saw a young child, you would be reminded of Akira when he was just a tiny baby cradled in your arms. Maybe it was because you missed him so much, so you wanted to share your love for him with other people. Maybe it was because he did not get to live a proper life, so you wanted to see other children be happy in his place and make them delighted.

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