Alhaitham chuckles. "Thank you, again Y/N," he says before hugging you.

Out of shock, you stay frozen. Alhaitham hardly hugs anyone these days. In fact, this is the happiest you've seen him in a while, so you mirror his actions, wrapping your arms around him.

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After the first few days of class, you felt you could confidently say you've become well adjusted to college life. Though you were a morning person, you were grateful for scheduling many of your classes in the afternoon as you knew you'd be pulling all-nighters later in the semester.

It was currently midday, and you finished attending your last class for the week. Despite the amount of homework you had, you were looking forward to the weekend. Every year, Teyvat University holds the Regions Fair for students as a fun and engaging way to learn about each of the seven regions, and you and your friends were planning to go. Since you weren't meeting up until later in the evening, you decided to go back to your dorm to do some homework.

On your walk back, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, and you quickly pull it out.

"Hello?" you ask after accepting the phone call.

"Y/N," you hear Alhaitham say. "Can I ask you for a favor?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Are you in your dorm?" he asks.

"I'm on my way there right now." you respond. "Haitham," you used his childhood nickname. "What did you do?" you feel your pace quicken.

"Nothing too bad, but can I stay in your dorm for a few hours? Kaveh is working on some big project and I don't want to be there. He's usually loud and has his stuff scattered in the living room. It's difficult to focus when he does that."

"Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes to let you in," you say as you open the door to your dorm building.

You quicken your pace as you head to the elevator. After it stops on your floor, you walk down a long hallway. A familiar gray-haired man stands outside your door. You fish your keys out of your bag, letting the two of you in your dorm.

"It's only the second week of the semester, how does Kaveh already have a project?" you ask. Alhaitham shrugs.

"I don't know why his professor did that, but I do know I don't want to be there." You gesture towards the kitchen and dining area of your dorm.

"Make yourself at home," you tell him with a smile.

You make a beeline for the kitchen, putting your backpack near the small dining table. Alhaitham takes a seat at the table, pulling out a book and laptop from his book bag. After you make yourself a snack, you sit across from Alhaitham and work on your homework.

Every now and then, you'd sneak a glance at him, noting how his brows furrowed when he was in deep thought and the way he gently turned the pages of his book. You felt a smile find its way to your face when you saw Alhaitham's eyes light up as he excitedly tapped the keys of his laptop. His viridescent orbs meet yours.

"Y/N is everything alright? Is there something on my face?" he asks. Your eyes widened, embarrassed to have been caught staring at your friend.

"Everything's fine. I was just lost in thought," you say, trying to fight the blush threatening to dust your cheeks. "Oh, I forgot to tell you earlier, but Ayaka and I have plans later tonight," you mention.

"Is it the Regions Fair?" Alhaitham questions. You nod your head in response.

"Do you wanna come with us? We're planning to meet up with Collei, Nilou, and their roommates. Ayaka invited some of her friends, too, but they said they'll meet us there," you say. 

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