Chapter 32: Court

Start from the beginning

"Kyung, we are ignorant."

"Good point Panzer."

While the others were still quietly freaking out amongst themselves about the new Head Director of Proceedings, Panzer's gaze slowly moved back to the ceiling. A soft boom raced around the stadium which pulled Panzer back to here and now. He looked towards the rotund delegate, whom addressed them before, as he stood up and spoke from his elevated seat.

"A new Head Director of Proceedings has been chosen. We may now resume."

People were shifting in their seats as the snide young man left the Head Director's seat and shook the arm of the one replacing him.

"Hello Ambassadors of Earth, my name is Yulnek Yulthet. My first question must be, how do the others of Earth feel about Captain Lancieta Steegle and the remaining members of her crew?"

Kyung cleared his throat, only to grab Yulnek's attention, and looked to the other Ambassadors for permission, they nodded their approval of him speaking their piece.

"Well, from the time that I woke up to just before we left to come here, I felt hatred towards all of you. Halgred too. The feeling is the same for many other people I talked with. As I talked with my fellow Ambassadors, I noticed that the people I've spoken with are not alone in these feelings." He paused for a moment to make sure everyone was following him. "There is a war even though you think you are better than us. Because of the translators the Androids built for us we learned what you all think about the Earth Barbarians. What I'm trying to say is that you all have to take responsibility for what happened to us, to the savages on Earth. The Androids sacrificed their lives and bodies to help us deal with this monstrous change in our physiology. It took three years for someone to arrive on Earth and at that moment we were attacked by Halgred. I have no clear criticism but you can guess how that looks to the people of Earth."

Low murmurs rolled across the room as all the delegates made notes and the Directors of Proceedings readied their next question. Kyung looked a bit shaken after speaking.

"You look like you just came out of the closet, and are waiting to see if the parents are going to kick you out."

"Those are particular words Ade."

"I saw it happen a few times in Africa, Star. The aftermath is usually violent." Ade whispered back.

"Our second question."

The seven snapped their attention back to the Head Director of Proceedings as if they were caught talking in class.

"What have you been told about Inter-Galactic treaties?"

Jaina spoke immediately. "Nothing Chief Director, which I find strange."

"I see. Well the simple explanation for this situation would be that war criminals are only given a trial for them to explain the reasons behind their actions. A crime of this magnitude i.e. possession of a gene-weapon and the use of such weapon, intended or otherwise, is generally meted out a sentence of death, and in the case of the A.I.'s Tould, Vou..."

"They aren't just A.I.'s, they're sentient beings."

"Ambassador Ioana, the test for sentience is a long process, a test which is denied to war criminals."

"So you can charge them with war crimes like a sentient being but you refuse to acknowledge their..."

"WITH respect, Ambassador Ioana! You do not yet know enough about our laws in order to assert what you believe to be right or wrong regarding the treatment of A.I. who may potentially have attained sentience."

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