Chapter 1

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Niall's POV:

I was having breakfast at McDonald's with my amazing girlfriend, Brooke. I am so truly, madly, and deeply in love with her. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can break us apart.  

Today was a special day cause it was the day before our tour started, so the lads and I were planning to go hangout while Brooke and Eleanor hung out.  

Then Brooke and I were gonna have a couple drinks, alone, at home.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" She asked, pancakes stuffed in her mouth.

"Yeah. It's gonna be epic." I said, also with pancakes in my mouth.

"What are fkahakaj?" She asked.

"What?" I asked, not understanding her with a mouthful of pancakes. 

She giggled and swallowed her food.

"I said, what are you and the lads doing today?"

"Oh, we're just gonna sit around." I lied.

"Oh, cool." She smiled.

"How about you and Eleanor?"

"Just talk and watch movies." She replied.



Once Brooke and I finished breakfast, we went to pick up some drinks for tonight. We settled on vodka, rum coolers, and wine.  

We got two bottles/packs of each and went home.

We arrived at home and went to the bar lounge to put away our drinks.

"This looks good, I can't wait to drink it." Said Brooke.

Just another thing I love about her, she enjoys drinking as much as I do.

"Yeah, we're gonna get so hammered." I joked.

She laughed and continued to put the drinks in the mini fridge.

We finished putting things away not long after, and sat on the couch for a bit.

"Soo... Now what?" I asked.

"I don't know." She replied.

"I think I'm gonna change, and put on some sweats for when El gets here." She said.

"I'm gonna change too." I said.

We went upstairs and searched for our outfits.  

Brooke pulled out a pair of sweats and a t shirt. 

She stripped down to her underwear and I couldn't help but stare.

"Like what you see?" She asked, shaking her hips.  

I laughed and grabbed her waist.

"As a matter of fact, I do." I said giving her kiss.

Brooke had an amazing body, and I always have wanted her and I to make love, but we both want to wait until marriage before doing that.

"We better hurry up and get changed." She laughed.

She pulled on her sweats and t shirt and I put on my jeans and hoodie.  

As soon as we finished getting changed, the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it!" Shrieked Brooke.

She ran downstairs to answer the door.

Brooke's POV:

I ran downstairs to open the door where I was met by my bestest friends in the whole world.

"Hi Brooke!" Said Eleanor, giving me a hug.

"Hey, El!" I said back.

"Well if it isn't the most amazing girl in the world?" Said Harry.

"Hazz!" I shrieked, jumping into his arms as he twirled me around.

Harry was best guy friend, and even though we saw each other pretty much everyday, we still act like we haven't seen each other in years.

"Hey boys!" I said to Louis, Liam, and Zayn.

"Hello, love!" They said in their British accents.

They were also my best friends, just not as close as Harry or Eleanor.

Once everyone was inside Niall came thumping down the stairs.

"Hey lads. Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep." The boys chorused.

"Goodbye, love. I'll see you tonight." Said Niall, giving me a kiss.

"Okay." I smiled.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

Everyone "aww'd" at our moment and we just laughed.

"See you later, guys."

The boys left and Eleanor and I sat on the couch.

"Now for girls day!" We shrieked.

(A/N): SORRY it's lame, but I promise things will actually happen soon! :)  

Thanks for reading!

- Corrina xoxo

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