"It'll be $3.25." Mazy sighed taking the man's card and putting it in the chip reader.

"Now you gotta pretty little body there." He swooned. Mazy had known this scheme all too well. It happened pretty much every time Mazy would come and bartend for Penny. Some gross guy would come and hit on her. She'd try to ignore it but if it got too much she'd ring the bell.
The bars patrons would wrack up a big bill and send the guy over board.
Ignoring the man she handed the man back his card and filled his glass.

"Thank you, what's your name darling?" He smirked shifting his gaze from her boobs to her eyes.

"Mazy," she sighed. She hated when anyone else but Bradley called her that. Mazy walked away from the guy and tending to other customers.

     Bradley kept a tight eye on Mazy every time she worked the bar. He hated when men treated her like some object to pounce on and try to snag.
Bradley had gotten in his fair share of fights with men hitting on her. God forbid they grab her arm or her waist.


     Mazy's first time at Top Gun is the first time she really had talked to Penny since she was still living with Mav.
She had went down to the Hard Deck with Phoenix. It had been hard for Mazy as Bradley was deployed and she was being pushed to her limits daily to be the best of the best.

Iceman had a close eye on her and it was difficult. She had been out of the academy for around a year. She had already proven herself to being just as good as pilots who'd been flying for decades longer than she had.
It was weird for Mazy to be under constant Uncle Ice's watch and not in a good way.
Mazy had been sent as she was flying recklessly, like her father did.

Ice could see right through her and see that it was her daddy issues talking.
He had sat her down in his office and had a chat with her. If you want to keep your career, if you want to graduate at the top of your class. You need to commit to flying like how you fly not like your fathers. I know you two have your issues but this is for your safety.

So Mazy found herself at the bar chugging down a beer.

"Mazy Mitchell," Penny came out from the back.

"Penny," Mazy cleared her throat and sat up straight smoothing out her khaki uniform.

"You've gotten so much older,"  she chuckled, "I think last time I saw you, you were 15." Penny came around the bar and hugged her.
Mav had been on a mission that brought him to the San Diego area and Mazy had staid with Penny for a few days.

"Yeah," Mazy breathed out hugging the older women taking in her familiar scent. A scent that brought her back to a younger, innocent, and less resentful time of her life.

"Get called to Top Gun?" Penny pulled away looking at her taking in the familiar Mitchell look. Green eyes, dark brown hair, Mazy's sun freckles coming in from the San Diego sun.

"Yeah, that's my friend. Well Best friend Phoenix." Mazy pointed at Nat where she stood talking to some other aviators.

"Flying solo? Back seater?" Penny raised her eyebrows.

"Solo right now, Phoenix is my wingman." Mazy smiled sitting at the bar Penny taking a seat next to her.

"Good to see you following the Mitchell footsteps. Do you still talk to Bradley? That's his name right?"

"Yeah Bradley. We're uh...we're uh, dating. Yeah we've been together for three years? Four? Something like that. He's uh on deployment right now." Mazy rubbed her forehead trying to get her thoughts straight.

"Good for you, if he's anything like his father was he's a good man." Penny rested her hand on Mazy's forearm.

"He's amazing, I really don't know what I'd do without him." Mazy smiled thinking about the special boy in her life.


     "Come back here green eyed beauty," the intoxicated man called, "Mazy get me another drink." He slammed his glass on the bar.

"Hold on a moment sir," she huffed getting frustrated with the man as she filled another persons drink from one of the beers on tap.

"Don't keep me waiting," he laughed as Mazy handed the other person their beer.

"Same thing?" Mazy sighed grabbing the glass.


Mazy filled the glass and brought it over to him and the man grabbed her hand.

"Hey let go." The man had a tight grip on her,

"Come on let's get out of here Mazy. Someone as pretty like you shouldn't be slumming it around here." The man winked pulling her close. Bradley watched the whole ordeal go down. He usually left Mazy to deal herself because he knew she got frustrated when he intervened.

Bradley rushed behind the bar and with no words or warning Bradley rang the bell behind the bar.
"Sorry fella," Bradley smirked.

Mazy pointed at the sign, "Disrespect the lady, the navy, or put your phone on the bar you buy a round and get kicked out."

The man rolled his eyes as everyone cheered as people began to wrack up his tab. Bradley and Hangman picked the man up, "Overboard! Overboard!"
Bradley and Hangman chanted, same as everyone in the bar.

"Don't disrespect my wife ever again," Bradley yelled as him and Hangman tossed the man into the sand and slammed the door to The Hard Deck.

"Thank you Bradley," Mazy rubbed her eyes and got herself a cup of sprite.

"Anything darling, no one can treat you that way." Bradley came around the bar and kissed the top of her head.

Penny took over bartending as Mazy sat on a barstool by the pool table as the dagger squad took turns playing pool.
"I heard you have a feeling I'm gonna have a girl." Mazy rested her hand on her still flat stomach.

"It's just a feeling, but I hope I'm right." Phoenix nodded taking a seat on the stool next to Mazy.

"I actually have had a couple of names picked out." Mazy shrugged.

"Tell me!" Phoenix smiled sitting forward.

"I haven't talked to Bradley about it yet." Mazy giggled, "But." Mazy leaned forward and so did Phoenix.
"If the baby is a boy I want to name them Nick. After his father."

"I like that," Phoenix nodded.

"What're you girls whispering about?" Hangman walked over leaning on the table.

"None of your business, Bagman." Phoenix laughed shoving him lightly.

"Baby names." Mazy smirked.

"We haven't even talked about that," Bradley spoke from where he was bent over the pool tabling shooting the ball.

"Well Phoenix is my bestie so of course I'm gonna talk about it with her. But I'll tell you we can have the final say." Mazy giggled.

"I like the name Jake," Hangman laughed.

"Yeah humble yourself over there Hangman." Mazy nudged him.

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