it is what it is

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Haley didn't have the best life growing up. when Haley was 7 her stepfather would touch her in places where she shouldn't be touched, the only people who knew were her grandma and uncle because she sensed it but they couldn't speak without proof. to prevent this from happening her grandparents tried keeping her over there because it can traumatize a child. when she was about 11 or so she went and stayed with her cousin Myra but she didn't expect these events to occur. Haley and Myra were upstairs watching a movie and so they got thirsty. Haley was scared to go by herself downstairs, so Myra went downstairs with her but they didn't expect to find Myra's stepfather watching nasty videos. he ended up pushing Myra onto the couch and started doing non-lady-like stuff to her and then he moved on to Haley but Myra wouldn't allow it so she fought him on it and they both went upstairs and Haley never spent the night again because of it because Myra wanted to protect Haley. one day Haley and Myra got into a bad argument so Haley told on what Myra's stepfather had done so Haleys mom went to the police station and reported it, long story short they ended up taking her in because the mother gave her up because she couldn't take it and didn't want her anymore her or the brother but they only had room for Myra so the brother ended going to foster care in Danville. the only mistake Haley made was not telling on her stepfather because the mother wouldn't believe her and she was afraid of the stepfather. one of her brothers found out about it but didn't tell anyone because he was known as a pathological liar. when Haley was 13 her grandfather passed and 2 weeks later her father got arrested for false information at the time as she thought. Haley is now 14 and still being touched inappropriately. she met a guy named Ryan she fell for him hard. they ended up hanging out at his grandmother's place and they ended up doing nasty which Haley didn't understand was happening because her mom hasn't had that talk yet, she ended up going home and used the bathroom ended bleeding and she freaked, so she told her mom and that's when her mom explained what was happening. later on that month, Haley was admitted to rehab because she tried committing. her depression had gotten worse but no one would listen. when Haley was 18 she fell pregnant 2 months later by the person who took her v-card. he ended up cheating on her with someone else, so Haley left him. when Haley was 6 months pregnant Ryan had set her up and his new girlfriend punched her in the stomach but thankfully the baby wasn't hurt. she ended up gaining contact with her real father and flashbacks ended up coming back she couldn't explain them or why they were popping up but she and another girl were involved. she doesn't wanna hurt her father's feelings so she keeps talking to him. oh I forgot to mention thanks to her older brother's girlfriend she finally spoke at the age of 17 about what was going on but the police didn't do anything about it, her mother kicked her out because of it so she's living with her grandmother. while Haley was pregnant she was staying in between homes with friends and family. she keeps thinking why her? what did she do to deserve this... in between that she had been heartbroken and lied to. when she hit 20 she dated someone new it was okay towards the beginning. towards the middle of the relationship, he started spitting in her face she spits back but it made him madder. a couple of months later he threw a hammer at her leg, then a phone. he ended up throwing lit cigs at her when he got mad at her. one day she got a job working at Hardee's. Jose ended up choking her right before she went in which triggered her asthma, thankfully she ended up catching him cheating a couple of days later because when he married that girl he ended up stabbing her putting her in the ICU, Haley thought dang that could've been her if she stayed not to mention he raped her time to time but she was too afraid of him to speak and say something so she just dealt with it, they were together for 1 year. he threatened her even tho they weren't together but luckily he got arrested a couple of months later so she moved on. mind you she still fighting depression. she ended up moving into this gay guy house named James they were best friends he and his mom felt like more family than her actual family. Haley ended up meeting someone on Facebook dating. his name was sircappalot. she doesn't know why but she felt a strong connection with him and things clicked... they got together in November. james was jealous. so he filled her head up with false information which ended up causing Haley and cappa lot to fight. she didn't intend to catch hard feelings for this person but she did and then he ended up breaking up with her because of her jealousy which triggered her PTSD and she went psycho on herself so she didn't hurt him. she just wants to be loved by him the next year she learned she was pregnant by him and she ended up miscarried the baby they named him or her Braelyn she thinks to herself why her why did he have to take the child. she still suffers from loneliness and depression. she tries to be happy but it isn't working. when shes around him shes the happiest and he doesn't understand that. when she isn't around him she feels incomplete like there's something missing. she hurts herself to please others and its killing her.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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