"I was visiting Dewey for a week, but I can never have a normal visit in this town, can I?" I asked sarcastically.

"He did text me that Ghostface was back again." 

"Did he really let you know that from a text?" I asked incredulously, almost wanted to laugh.

"Yeah, he did," She rolled her eyes and spotted Sam. "Who's your friend over there?"

"Ghostface attacked her and her sister." My head gestured to Sam and she comes to my side.

"Sam Carpenter," She answered and was a little starstruck at the sight of her. "I can't believe it's you."

"Last time I checked," Gale joked. "Did you know the sheriff?"

Sam shook her head. "Sort of. She didn't like me that much."

"She didn't really like me either," Gale said in an understanding way. "Josh said that you and your sister got attacked."

"Yeah, we did." Sam confirmed.

"I'm sorry to hear that," She apologized. "I'm Gale...Riley," I didn't know why she said that, but I turned my head around to check what got her attention. I noticed that Dewey arrived here and was walking on the Hicks' front lawn talking to a few cops.

There was still some love there on Gale's face, I can tell.

"Weathers," She quickly corrected herself. "Excuse me."

Gale rushed over to meet Dewey to talk to him. It's been years since they have last talked. Maybe that would do them good.

"Aren't they divorced?" Sam wondered.

"Yeah," I answered, looking at them and then turned to her. "But they still care about each other. It's complicated."

"Sounds like it," She agreed. "I'm going to call Richie."

"Okay. I'll call my girlfriend quick." I told her.

I haven't talked to Kirby in a while, and I know she's been trying to reach me with her calls and texts. I just didn't get the time to respond because of the crap that's going on in this town. So, I called her number and waited for her to pick her phone up.

"Hello? Josh?" I heard her voice. "What are you doing over there? Why didn't you reply to any of my texts?"

"Sorry, I've been busy," I answered. I figured I might as well tell her the truth about what's happening here. "I have to tell you something and you must promise me that you won't freak out.

"O...kaaaaayyyyy..." She replied warily.

"Ghostface is back," I revealed, lifting that weight off my shoulders. "He killed three people. Two just now. They were Judy Hicks and her son, Wes."

"What the fuck?" Kirby asked in shock and disturbed.

"I know. And I just found out a few days ago that I have a half-sister. Her name is Samantha Carpenter and we're both Billy Loomis's kids. Her sister, Tara, got attacked and is at the hospital. One of her friends had a theory that the Ghostface's motive is creating his own requel. He killed Stu Macher's nephew, Judy and Wes, and next could be Tara's other friends and me or Sam."

"What?! Oh my god, Josh-" I could tell that Kirby was going to freak out and get scared for me.

"I know it's a lot to take in and there's a lot happening right now," I was trying to finish my explanation. "I'm going to find out who the killer is. I just wanted to give you a heads up and I'm not going to let my Mom know, so she won't come here. You better not either and just stay at home."

"I will, but Josh, you should come home too. You know how these killers are-"

"No, I can't," I refused. "I have to end this for good."

I noticed that Sam was talking to one of the cops. He looked familiar. Shouldn't he be at the hospital guarding Tara? That's what's making Sam mad and running to her car.

I know I unintentionally ignored Kirby talking to me, trying to make me come back home to her. But I couldn't. Not when this mess was going on. Sam couldn't do this on her own and protect her sister at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Kirby, I can't talk to you more right now. I've got to go."

"Josh-" Oh, boy. She sure sounds pissed off.

"I love you," I said genuinely, meaning every word incase if this was the last time I'll ever get to talk to her. "You know that, right? If I don't come back, Kirby, just know that I love you so much."

"Josh!" I heard her angrily yell at me before I hang up and ran to get in the back of Sam's car. 

To my surprise, Dewey sat in the front seat.

"What's going on?" I demanded as Sam was driving away.

"No one is watching my sister at the hospital. She'll be in trouble. I have to go over there to make sure she's safe." Sam answered and was driving at lightning speed.

While we're heading for the hospital, my phone was vibrating in my pockets. I checked to see who was calling me and I groaned.

It was my mother.


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