100.) the cost of paradise

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In a land, far above this cold world, beyond the snow and ice,
preserved for those who haven't sold
their soul, is a place called Paradise.
But no one ever stops through all the "nice",
all the silver and gold,
to tell mortals the cost of paradise.

All your demon friends are gone,
the ones you loved despite their dark.
There's nothing you can do, no, none,
go and cry to the midnight lark.

They hurt me once,
and I could have came to you had I have been more brave.
I knew the light once,
but now I fear I am trapped for a long while in a dark cave.

Joy is temporary,
and sadness always stays in its shadow, still there.
Love hurts temporally,
when you are in one place and they are elsewhere.

Still, you could believe
still, you can choose to be naïve.
You may reunite with the sinners somehow,
but think about it, and then return to me with an answer to "how?".

If only you saw the darkness they tried to hide,
then maybe this could have been avoided.
If only you saw that the messenger had lied,
then maybe you would not have been exploited.

When you are up there in the clouds cast in God's divine light,
forget their darkness, alright?
Hold onto yourself, tight,
ignore the black and embrace the white,
let what was wrong die and focus on what is right.
Glow in all your holy might,
like a bright star in the night.
And I know it doesn't seem right,
but leave them all behind.
Let them find
their eternity, without you.
Their heart filled with rue.
Because of their actions,
they couldn't be with you,
you, who
fell in love with a devil,
and you know it's true.
You try to hide it, yes, you do,
but it's alright,
instead focus all your light
on loving the light.
Let the darkness die, out of sight
and out of mind, never pain there to bite.
The cost of paradise
is a noble sacrifice,
loving saints and God,
and your good loved ones will suffice.
It's sweet, like honey, nice.
Freeze the memories of the dark ones into ice,
so they can be trapped, frozen and unmoving and dead for life.
Instead, see the sunrise
and listen to the harp and fife,
here in sweet Heaven,
sweeter paradise.
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