"That is not your order to make." Richard snapped making everyone look towards him. "The demolition will continue as planned, we shouldn't care what it does to these beast." He explained narrowing his eyes at Zevon who swallowed heavily.

"It's not your order either."

Everyone snapped their heads to Azalea who stood at the front of the group facing towards her father and mother. Sofia gasped in relief upon seeing her daughter, while Richard glared her way ragefully.

"You dare to defy me?!" He snapped.

Mumbling a spell under her breath, Azalea felt the blood sizzle against her palm as a ball of magic appeared in it ready to strike. "Yes, just as much a so am daring to fight you." She explained getting into a stance. "You claim the werewolves are beasts and monsters, but have you ever even tried to speak with them? Get to know them? They are our people too."

"Stop this right now-"

"No!" She shouted. " I will never stop fighting for what's right and you are in the wrong. They helped me after you tried to harm me, I owe them more than I could ever own you, father." She sneered glaring. "You may have the title of king, but you certainly do not act like one. Not how a king should be to his people... to his family at that!"

Everyone listened to her words in confusion as Azalea spoke up about her father. With the flick of her hand, the ball of magic soared through the air towards the wolves. Once hitting contact, the silver handcuffs melted away freeing them instantly from their restraints. The wolves walked towards the front of the group surrounding Azalea.

Next to her stood Wyatt. He knew she was upset with him and he had hurt her, but as soon as her bloodied hand grabbed his untwining their fingers, a surge of calmness mixed with power filled his body.

"Get away from him." Richard said sending his daughter a warning.



"Oh, that's enough, Richard!" Sofia cried out ripping her wrist out of his hand fed up with his behavior. "There is nothing wrong with the werewolves and there is absolutely nothing wrong with Azalea being soulmates with one! Get over yourself for heavens sake!" She screamed taking everyone by surprise. "I have kept quiet for to long, but this is the last straw." She explained crossing over to stand on Azalea's side. "I choose my daughter."

Richard Crawford had known the feeling of betrayal, but never to this degree. He stood alone in the Power Plant staring back at the two people he always had on his side. He was King, he was in control. But like a leaf in the wind hanging on by it's stem, that was swept away in a matter of seconds.

"Z-Patrol, workers, students," Sofia began addressing her people. "We will help the werewolves find what they need and continue the demolition tomorrow." She ordered before looking at her husband. "And please take Mr. Crawford back to town hall until I arrive. Please and thank you."

Cheers and applause sounded all around the power plant as Azalea watched her father be taken ahold of by two guards and be escorted away. Is this really happening? She thought in a daze looking around at the people around her. Werewolves, humans, zombies, etc. Everyone is happy, but why aren't I? She wondered letting go of Wyatt's hand as Willa pulled him away towards the exit.

She glanced up meeting his eyes as he tried to object and get back to her. Willa growled at him as they left with Addison and Zed. Everyone began to clear out leaving Azalea and Sofia standing alone.

"I was so worried about you, sweetheart." The older woman said wrapping her daughter into a tight hug. "Are you okay?"

Azalea stood still feeling the blood drip from her palm and down her fingers on to the floor. "I'm not sure..." She admitted pulling back as tears welled up in her eyes. "I should feel happy, right? Then why don't I?" She sniffled whipping her eyes.

Sofia looked into her daughters eyes noticing the emotions running wild in them. "It's because your heart isn't complete." She sighed grabbing her daughters hands in her own bringing them up and kissing her knuckles lightly. "Something happened between you and Wyatt didn't it?"

"We got in a fight... I was so mad at him and so overwhelmed earlier, but now... I don't feel anything but sadness and pain in my chest." Azalea explained reaching up to run the area above her heart. "Is this heart break that I'm feeling, mother?" She asked.

Sofia shook her head. "No, sweetheart. It's your heart fighting with your soulmate bond." She explained placing her hand over Azaleas. "The pain you feel is your heart at war with right and wrong. Wyatt made a mistake, but that is bound to happen now and later in life, but nothing will change the fact he is your soulmate. You don't know it yet, but you love him and he loves you just as much."

"How do I fix this?"

"Well, you could always try by sitting down and talking with him? That's always a good start." The Queen smiled with a shrug.

"Are you going to talk to father?"

"Ha! More like give him hell." Sofia scoffed watching as Azalea started to smile.

The brunette moved forwards bringing her mother in for a hug smiling wider as the older woman embraced her back. As long as her mother was around, Azalea knew everything would be okay and work out.

"Boss! Boss! We have a problem!" One of the workers cried making the pack and human-zombie couple look at him. "The remote shortage out and now the detonation time is running." He explained trying to turn the key as the numbers ran down.

"Azalea and her mom are still in there!" Addison cried turning towards the power plant feeling her chest sink.

"No!" Zevon shouted as everyone started to run towards the building in panic.

"Azalea!" Wyatt screamed sprinting as hard as he could to get to his mate. "Azalea get out of there!" Using the power of his moonstone, he pushed himself to go faster.

Azalea heard shouting from outside confused to what was going on. Pulling away from her mothers arms, the brunette listened as a beeping sounded getting louder. "Mother, the bombs!" She screamed watching as they started to go off around them.

"Nos defende!"

Heat blazed against her skin and the sound of ringing filled her ears as the bombs exploded. The ground shook under her feet and the power plant began to fall in on its self around the two females covering them underneath layers of metal and wood.

Outside, Wyatt screamed in agony watching the power plant fall onto his mate. His eyes flashed sickly green while he coughed falling on the ground. This can't be happening! This can't be happening! He kept thinking as his pack members surrounded him. Throwing his head back, he let out a howl for the girl his heart long for. "Azalea!"

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