Start from the beginning

"Wow! Congratulations bro, you are good to date all of them".

"Yeah, I will!". They laughed

...... Missed her step, hit Annabel, pour her drink on her gown

"Urhh! You dirty middle class, you would clean this up".

"How dare you?". Lydia said. Staring at does finger

"Point that at me one more time and watch me break them, I've you forgotten, oh let me refresh your memory, dirty middle class, we are in the act of each other, you wanted the boys don't you, then play me well". She steps on her with her heel, walked away.

"I hate that girl, what do I do now, I don't know how to act like middle class". She said within, looked up, boys right in front

"Hi!". Tried to make the first impression

"You're doing it again; I don't think you're going to win this". Jackson said and they walked away.

Closing hours, car drove in, guards standing out, doors opened parents on the other side, gate, still open. Walked out same time, including the principal and the boys.

Rushing to the car, while the others are closer, observing. Quickly the stepped in front, pushing them away, hugged their parents, entered the car, with a smile on their face

"Need I remind you, they are my parents now, go to your boring home, where they are no parent, classless, middle class". They shut their doors and drove out of the school, after each other. Principal stood calmly watching, looking at them struggling to get up.

Jumps over the couch, sat next to her.

"Do you care for?". Richard asked, dipped her hands into the bowl

"You could have said yes". He added, the rest of them walked in, turn the tv on

Immediate laughter, watch Delancey and her friend, being so rude to Mr. Dunne, which is supposed to be the other way round. Struggling, not so easy to walk in someone's shoes.

"Gosh mom, this so funny!". Adrain said

"Yeah, I wonder where she gets this silly idea, am enjoying it".

"Mm I won't tell".

"Yeah, we know. The whole thing is trending, seems like people know their winners already". Brandon said

"And their winners are, Juliana and her friends right, speaking of them".

...... Switch cameras.

Sitted outside, reading magazine, cool breeze, watching from the balcony

"She's a good version of our daughter, always wanting to be alone, socialize with people mostly those hot boys".

"I wonder why she's so pretty".

"Really am I not pretty?". Acting Jealous

"I wasn't talking to you, was talking about our daughter".

"Hum!". She walked out angrily

Phone rings


"Heyy Mariana, I just call to check on you".

"Oh, right am doing just fine, what about you?".

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