Chapter 1 ☁️

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Beep beep beep

Turning off  your alarm clock,  you turned towards the window seeing the sun shining through your curtains. Letting out a yawn as sitting up on your bed.

Today is the big day.  you thought

"Shit, I got to get going!" Checking your phone you had less than 30 minutes to get ready, eat breakfast and make it to the bus on time.

Rushing to do your morning routine. Being thankful you prep your hair the night before, it was easy to style it for the day. Throwing on your pencil skirt and light blouse with cute shoes you made it out your bedroom.

"Alright what's quick to make.. ah toast!!" Adding two pieces of toast to the toaster. Then starting your coffee machine adding your favorite coffee grinds to the machine. A few minutes went by, you quickly the butter toast and put your coffee in a to-go cup.

"Okay keys check, phone and wallet check, alrighty let's go" you said to yourself. Running down the stairs of your apartment, taking in the cool breeze of the spring. You start making your way to the bus stop.

"Hey wait up!!" You were now running to get on the bus before they shut the doors

"Glad I saw you there miss!" The bus driver said

"Thank you sir!" Bowing as a thanks, you made your way to the back of the bus finding an empty window seat on the left side.

Inhaling and exhaling
Everything going to be fine

Putting your ear buds in and turning on a podcast to get you motivated for the day.

Soon enough the bus arrived a few blocks down from UA.

Thanking the bus driver again you paid and got off. Making your way through the gates and security you were at the courtyard of UA.

"Great I got here with 7 minutes to spear" turning off your phone.

You see a lean man with shaggy black hair carrying what seems to be a yellow sleeping bag..

Blinking a few times just to make sure you saw him correctly.

"Excuse me sir." You tap his shoulder. "Hmp" he let out in a grump.
"Can you please tell me where I can find Principle Nezu office" you looked at the tired man with hopefully eyes. He looked you up and down slowly and let out a  sigh "through this building, to your right and two doors down.. you can't miss it" Your eyes followed to where he pointed to.

"Ah I see okay th-.." when you turn your head to look at the man, he was already walking in the opposite direction

Huh maybe I can properly thank him later

Making your way through the building with the instructions the homeless looking man had gave you. Finally you found Principle Nezu office
Knocking a few times on the hardwood door.

"Come in.."

"Hello my name is Y/n L/n and I have a meeting with Principle Nezu?" Looking at the 3 foot little hamster/rat looking creature you couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked.
"Ah welcome in Ms. L/n please have a seat" Nezu said with a sweet smile.

Getting comfortable I'm the leather chair, you looked up at Nezu which is now a little bit taller than you in his seat.
Definitely must of raised his chair you thought

"Ms l/n were excited to have you join our staff this year!. As you may know this new program for the younger generation is the first of its kind here at UA. We want all the kids to feel safe and educated in some way." Nezu says with smile

"With that being said you won't have many students at first since this program is for hero children. But never the less we are looking forward to expanding the program some time in the future."

Nodding your head in agreement, you couldn't help to hold back the excitement you had. To teach and guide children that were the kids of pro heros all over Japan.

"We're calling the program Tiny Seeds Learning Center for students in the early years of childhood around the ages 1-4 years old to start their learning process and for their parents to feel safe bring their kids to school. Other early learning centers  for kndergardeners and younger students  don't offer that kind of protection for the Heros children. That is why I thought this would be a good program to build on."

"All of your students will be here first thing tomorrow morning if you except this position?" Nezu says with a smile.

"Of course sir! I'm looking forward to being apart of the UA Staff and helping the little ones to grow."

"Excellent! Let me give you a tour of our facility." Nezu hoped off his chair and made his way to the door.

Following close behind Nezu he showed you the different classrooms for each program, training facility, dorms areas and lastly the teacher lounge.

"Here is where our staff can take their lunch and relax." Nezu said

"Ohh who do we have here? Fresh meat." Said the curvy woman with a tight hero outfit and long black hair. She said her name is Nemuri Kayama, hero name Midnight.

"It's very nice to meet you Ms. Midnight, I'm a fan of your work." You said sweetly

"Please call me Nemuri, I hear enough Midnight all day. I love your hair style by the way, your so stylish and beauitful."

Nezu end up making himself a cup of tea while you and Nemuri continued your girl talk. She comes off so kind and confident you just knew you and her will get along.

"YO YO  WHAT'S UP MY PARTY PEOPLE!" A very tall man with a slick back blonde hair, thin mustache and  tight leather outfit burst through the door.

"Ooo who is this cutie!" He says wiggling his eyebrows at you.

Feeling a little embarrssed you introduced yourself. The very loud man said he's name is Hizashi Yamada aka the pro hero Present Mic.
"Please call me Hiz though, yo!"
Chuckling to yoursef, you already knew this is going to be a fun group

"Hey Nezu, have you showed y/n the teacher apartments yet?" Nemuri asked.

"Ah I have not!" Nezu looks at his watch in shock "Could you please finish the tour for me? I unfortantally have a security meeting with Snipe and Ecoplasim here shortly."
"Of course I can, gives me time to get to know her better." Nemuri gives you a friendly wink.

"Perfect! With that settled, Ms l/n I would like to welcome you to UA offically! I will have your badge, keys and other paperwork delivered to your apartment this evening. Goodbye everyone!" You waved goodbye to Nezu. Hizashi excused himself saying he has a class to teach.

" Alrighty girly it's just you and me let the real tour begin" Nemuri said wiggling her eyebrows
"Nemuri should I be concerned about your version of the tour?" you laugh
"Darling absolutly not! I just get to introduce you to all the hot teachers .. unless your already taken?"

"No I'm not in a relationship at the moment" You said nervously

"Good, let the tour of hot single people comends" Nemuri grabs your wrisit pulling you out of the teacher lounge down the hallway.. hopfully towards the apartments .. right?

what did I get myself into?

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