"right, and it had to be you with all your lies and bullshit theories." Jasmine snapped slightly.

"what is your problem?" Gale asked. "You got what you wanted, Cotton Weary is in jail they're gonna gas him, a book is not gonna change that."

Jasmine stayed silent at her response for a brief moment before she asked. "do you still think he's innocent?"

"your cousin's testimony put him away, it doesn't really matter what I think." Gale responded with a shake of her head.

"During the trial you did all those stories about me and my cousin, calling us liars." Jasmine said.

"I think you falsely identified him, yes." Gale nodded. "Have you talked to Cotton?" Jasmine asked.

"Many times." Gale replied simply. "And has his story changed?" Jasmine asked her.

"Not one word." Gale responded. "He admits to having sex with your mother, but that's all."

"Her blood was all over his jacket, I know what I saw." Sydney said firmly, despite not being completely sure of it herself Sydney didn't know about her mother's affairs directly, but she wasn't naive enough to believe it stopped at just her father.

"Is that why you refuse to testify?" Gale raised a brow, "Because you believe what you saw?"

"I was fifteen." Sydney defended. "I was scared. And I saw him leave wearing it."

"No, you saw someone leave wearing that coat, the same someone who planted it in Cotton's car framing him." Gale argued.

"no." Sydney said after a moment, not wanting to believe she had put her father in jail for something he didn't do. "Cotton murdered my mother."

"Your not so sure anymore are you?" Gale asked

"Nice welt, sweetie." Tatum and Sidney walked over. "Let's go, Jassy."

"The killer's still on the loose, isn't he?" Gale asked with a nod.

"Come on, Jas." Sidney said, tugging on her cousin's arm.

"Those murders are related." Gale continued.
"Sorry not sorry, I mangled your face." Jasmine said as she was dragged away.

"Wait, Jasmine, don't go." Gale said, snapping her fingers to signal Kenny to bring out the camera

"Just stop, alright?" Tatum said, turning back towards her.
── ✩ ── ✩ ──── ✩ ──── ✩ ──

"This is a mistake, we shouldn't be here." Sidney said, shutting the door to her locker.

"I want you both to meet me right here after class, okay?" Tatum told them, putting some books in her locker.

"Hey, I haven't seen Billy around, Is he really pissed?" Sidney asked, directing her question towards Stu.

"Oh, you mean after you two branded him the candy man? no his heart's broken." Stu replied, earning a punch to the chest from Tatum. "Ow."

Some kid in a costume the killer wore came running down the hallway while screaming, causing sydney to jump when they ran past them.
"Why are they doing this?" Sydney asked.

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