A normal day.

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The prince sighed as he closed down his restaurant for the day, commanding the people who cleaned up everything to go home finally. Of course, he gave each one a tip for doing a good job like a good hearted person should. Rosa Rubinoza. The place was his pride and joy, and he'd give up everything for it. He opened it a year ago when he let the people of the kingdom taste his cooking. With all the support, he had a restaurant be built for him. It was a success, plus it was something he enjoyed cooking for everyone. It was his escape, something he could truly spend time on and enjoy, unlike everything else, which all happened so fast because of how much he needed to do. And while yes, some of it was fun, it was mainly something that added to the stress he was already under. It was the highlight of his life when everything else failed to make him happy. It brought him to the question if he even enjoyed being a prince. A question he failed to answer at times. 

He made his way himself to the large castle, with a guard or two of course to keep him safe. The castle was huge, and gorgeous. The whole thing was very old, with a history he was recently researching. To say it was interesting was an understatement, as it had a large and impactful history, along with the rest of the kingdom. Finally, he arrived at the building. The wasp prince said goodbye to the guards, and continued into the place. With every person he flew past he greeted, and thanked them for their work, - something that became a routine for him. It turns out that such treatment was rare for them, so he vowed to make sure that respect was given to them like any other person.  He flew into the dining room to greet his parents with a false smile before turning to the way to his bedroom. He wasn't very hungry, and just wanted to sleep. Before he could exit the room, his mother stopped him, "Why are you leaving so soon? We still have matters to discuss, dear." 

He knew what that meant. 

The wasp looked back, his glare was all but soft. "I'm tired. It's been a long day. Can't it just wait until tomorrow?" His reply was much more calmer then the way his expression looked. Yet again, they wanted to harass him about the fact that he still hadn't found anyone to marry yet. Well, specifically, he hasn't found a female to marry yet. The problem is, he didn't want to marry one. Almost every one he's had to meet he didn't feel an attraction too. Not because they were terrible or anything, most of them were quite nice to him, and were fun to talk to. But not once did he ever feel a romantic attraction to them. Even with that, his parents continue to force him. It was getting on his nerves.

"You can't be that  tired, dear. Come, sit down. It's important."  She spoke up once more, the tone of her voice was grating to the wasp prince. Scoli refrained the urge to just float back to his room, but instead he hesitantly made his way to his chair. He sat down, but avoided all eye contact with them. He knew what was coming, and didn't want to hear any of it. 

"I'm glad you had a change of heart, dear. Now, me and your father were wondering why you haven't found someone to marry, yet. Your getting older. We need to keep this bloodline up, and we can't if you wont give these women a chance, Scoli!" 

The wasp stayed silent. He didn't have a reply.

"You wont even tell us what you don't like about them. Is it how they behave? Or is it how they look?" 

Scoli shook his head, "No, they're all fine. If there was anything wrong with them, why would I continue to be friends with them?"

"Then tell us, why wont you even give them a chance?" Her tone then dropped into being more serious, almost angry. "....Is it because you don't even like women?"

The young prince's heart dropped. Usually a person wouldn't be so angry saying such a thing but, he knew they weren't happy. Why they weren't happy was the big question. He knew he never liked women for quite a long time. The prince found that out through a crush he had, but his parents then separated him from the friend. He never saw them again. Scoli could never forgive them for taking away such a nice person from him like that. The prince couldn't form a reply, and just stayed silent, continuing to avoid eye contact. His father too didn't say a word, and he couldn't help but to think that he was probably disappointed in him. His mom then spoke up once more, her expression went from angry to sad. Whether it was true sadness, or she was faking it just to guilt trip him was something the prince was unsure of,  "I'll take that as a yes. You know that you can't continue our bloodline if you marry a male, right? Scoli... you don't want to disappoint us, do you?"

The wasp began shaking as he looked up to them in shock, "Why would that disappoint you? You know I could just adopt, right?" he shot back, though his voice came across as more weak then what he wanted. "Son, we've worked so hard to keep our bloodline strong. Why risk adopting someone of a weaker bloodline?"  That just pissed the prince off even more. Who are they to tell him who to marry, or if he was to adopt?? It was his life. His future. He had the rights to marry who he likes, and if he wants to adopt or not. Even if it was a lower ranked other, he didn't care. If he loved them, then what other people thought of his decision didn't matter! Of course, he didn't actually have the confidence to say so. "I'm sorry. I'll try harder." Was all Scoli said with a nod. His mother leaned back, and smiled. "That's the son I know."

As she said that, he stood up from the red velvet chair, and silently flew to his room. The large dark wooden door was slammed shut as he took off his bag and cape, then he slammed himself on the big soft bed. The room was decorated to his liking with warm colors such has reds and yellows, with gold accents. There were quite a few of flowers, and pictures that decorated the walls. A large bookshelf with his favorite novels and other trinkets were on one side of the wall, while just a few shelves were on the other with plants. His room was always a sight for sore eyes. A safe space for when everything else was too much for him, if you will. Not even his parents went into his room anymore like they did when he was young. Only guards and the occasional maid was allowed in. He didn't even care enough at the moment to change out of his clothes and into something comfortable, he just laid in the bed. The prince had no energy to cry, so he laid in silence. 

Why couldn't they just let him live his life, and love who he wants? He has heard rumors about what being royal entails, that often arranged marriages has to planned, but he never thought that it's what would truly happen. He hoped that he could find someone he truly loved, and marry them, instead of being forced to be with someone he couldn't and wouldn't love. Scoli truly thought that he'd be able to change things, but that doesn't seem to be the case, now. It was moment like these that he despised his title. The wasp male wished he was a normal person, rather then the burden of just being royal. Sure, it was like a dream, with riches and spoils, but in reality that wasn't worth anything to him. Happiness was what mattered, and he didn't feel that here anymore. 

But, he couldn't just leave, he had too much to just throw away. But, it wasn't like he had friends here that he couldn't leave. He wasn't too fond of his parents, and he only truly cared about a few objects that he could take with him. If he did leave, there probably wouldn't be an option to come back. There was no way he could come back, knowing the punishment he'd have to endure. Does he really want to leave? Is it even an option?

Maybe it was time he tested that theory.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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