It was silent for a moment before you slowly climbed on his lap, his belt was uncomfortable to lay against so you started to casually undo it. Skwisgaar widen his eyes and blushed some, unsure of what you were up to. "It's just uncomfortable to cuddle against, ok?" You said and shook your head. "I have something that is also maybe uncomfortable to cuddle against." He said as he watched your hands work at his belt. "You're an idiot." you said with a soft smile finally getting his belt off. "No, that's Toki." He said without thinking, just used to putting Toki down any chance he got. You froze up and he instantly felt bad. "That's not- that's not what ams meant-" He quickly apologized and brought you into a hug, watching as you started crying again.

"Shhs, he's not worth crying overs." He whispered, rubbing at your back. "Why.. doesn't he love me?" You cried, holding onto the blonde guitarist underneath you. "He does, I'm sure of it.. go to him. I'm not the one for you." He admitted, not wanting to but knowing how important he was to you. "N-no... Skwisgaar he fucked up too many times. I'm going back home in a few days. for good." You told him, unsure of how he would take the news. He sat there and shook his head. "N-No." he held onto you even tighter. "You stays here, Toki needs you." He said and closed his eyes as he rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Toki needs rehab is what he needs.. anyways I'd rather have you.." You confessed, twirling his hair around your fingers. "I.. I want you but it's not right. I was wrong to do this." Skwisgaar slowly let go of you. "Please, give Toki one more chance, for me, princessa?" He looked at you, slowly leaning back in to softly kiss you. "Can I have this night with you?" "If that's what you want." "It is. My polar bear." you felt a small amount of relief. You would give Toki another chance but for now you just wanted the blonde haired guitarist. You kissed him. once. then twice. then once again.

Skwisgaar knew he wouldn't get this chance again so he slowly pushed you back while kissing you until you were now laying on your back, him on top of you, his knee in between your legs. "Does you want-" "Yes." He took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself. "m'kay." He sat back off of you and worked on taking his pants off which was fairly quick and easy as he already had his belt off from earlier. he then lifted your hips up to pull your skirt and panties off, finding himself blushing and getting nervous. "hows you want dis?" He asked you as he hovered on top of you, kissing along side your collarbone. "mmm.. slow." You decided and squirmed feeling his finger tips softly rub at your most sensitive area.

"Bjorn." You whimpered and moved your hips up, as to get more from him. He laughed under his breath. "Aww, there's my good girl." He cooed, licking at your neck as he spread your pussy apart, softly using his index finger to push against your entrance. "P-please." you whined, needing him more than anything right now. "Tell me how much you want me." Skwisgaar said as he softly began to finger you. "I need you, Skwisgaar. I-I need you inside of me, fucking me, using me as much as you want." You said in between little moans. "Mmm, you're so wet already, begging for me." Skwisgaar gave you a smell peck on the lips before removing his hand from you, sitting back some and lifting your legs up enough to align himself with you, "I'll be soft, my princessa." He murmured, making small thrusting movements slowly working himself into you. His groans as he pushed himself deeper and deeper into you made you that much more hungry for him.

"Fuck, You're so tight. " he restrained from comparing you to the groupies he's slept with and tried to think of what to say that won't be dumb. "You're perfect." You simply smiled and closed your eyes trying to relax as you weren't used to this size of cock inside of you. "Ams the biggest you've had?" He asked as he grabbed onto your thighs, making slow but kinda hard thrusts into you. "Y-yes." you felt bad admitting but it was true. "Heh, such a goods girl taking all this cock." He smirked, knowing you were going to instantly die in the best way. You moaned out loud, feeling embarrassed letting Skwisgaar see you this way. "I- I love being used by you, Bjorn. I've always wanted this." You said in between pants, holding onto him and making little moans as he continued using you, fucking you and making you feel like some kind of whore.

The way his cock would hit just the right place each time he thrusted into you drove you crazy, you didn't want this moment to end. You could die happily like this. "Skwisgaar!" You yelled, your nails digging into his tank top he kept on. "Shhs, Gots be quiet my little pet." Part of him felt bad, not wanting Toki to overhear the two of you. You slowly nodded your head and tried to muffle your moans. "Where do you want me to cum, hmm?" He asked as he slowed his movements, feeling himself getting close already. "U-um.. my face? or-... inside of me?" You asked nervously. He nodded his head, his blonde hair brushing against your body with each thrust.

He continued fucking you, twirling your hips in just the right rhythm you didn't even realize how close you were before your body came crashing down against Skwisgaar's cock. you tried so so hard to stay quiet but slipped up a little. He smiled to himself and felt his legs start to tremble. he had his head against your shoulder and bit down onto your skin softly, leaving the smallest little love bite before he slowly lifted his head up. "I-I'm about ready." He said, panting and his hair sticking to his face. "Y-Yeah, Come on. Bjorn, make me yours." You said, holding onto his arm as he made one last final hard thrust into you, filling you to the brim with his cum. He slowly collapsed on top of you, trying to catch his breath and smiling to himself. He had finally had you to himself, not having to share you with Toki during a threesome. Just the two of you. it was nice. it felt safe.

"Bjorn?" "Yes?" "sleep with me." "I just did." "shut up." "You were the loud one." "UGHHH you know what I Mean." "Heh, fine fines, get under the blanket." <3

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