The Whole Story

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I've lived in Tokyo as long as I can remember. I have a rare psychic ability or what most people would call telekinesis, I don't know how, but I was born with the ability so please don't ask. I had a group of friends but it's not a group anymore. It all started when me and my best friend Himeko we're playing Btooom: a third person shooter that uses bombs. We were waiting for Miho another one of our friends to join, safe to say she never did. We were invited to join a few games with Sakamoto the number 3 ranked player in the world our rank went up by over 20,000 points. The next morning Miho told us her brother and his friends monopolized the game system and made her play with them, so she had to buy snacks. Then we took a cosplay photo in armor from Btooom, safe to say the female armor was very revealing and the male armor was hard to move in, the thick red plastic was a nightmare, too clunky to move in properly, but I suppose it does keep your insides intact when fighting with explosives, at least I'd assume it would. Nonetheless the photo turned out great, the same could not be said for my eyes that flash really blinded me, I'm not a very photogenic person, and the helmet made my hair a mess as if it wasn't one already. At school we saw a letter from some anonymous company saying we'd get 100,000¥ for any person we signed up to "disappear". But why her of all people? It was the weekend and Himeko had a friend invite us to a party, The Amazing Yoshioka, I hate that guy (not before what happened though). Himeko went to get snacks but she needed help so I went with her. What we returned to was a true nightmare. Everyone was stripped and beaten Yoshioka tried to get Himeko to kiss him, I saw the drug under his tongue. I started shaking,my anger becoming too much to contain, objects around the room began flying into the band members causing cuts, bruises, and gash's to appear on the members of the band and Shielding the girls at the same time. My body then gave out, I dropped to the floor my head pounding and my nose pouring blood and I began to see double vision, Himeko punched Yoshioka square In the face and ran for the door, Yoshioka got up rather quickly and slapped her. At that moment I lost all sense of reason. NO ONE HITS MY FRIENDS! Himeko ran for the door as I blinded by rage, took on all six of the band members punching, kicking, and using all the material arts abilities I had learned in the past five years. " Get the cops! Tell them what's going on!" I told her at that moment all I could see was the girls all bruised and beaten. When the cops showed up Himeko helped me inform the cops I wasn't a perpetrator and the band was arrested. Everyone blamed Himeko for what happened, yet I was looked at as a hero, I quickly shut that down saying " The true hero is Himeko and if she's at fault for what happened than so am I. You can either blame both of us for what happened or thank her for saving you. But don't think for a minute that she caused any of this."  I was the only one that never once blamed Himeko for what happened, and everyone else moved away. Himeko locked herself in her room after that and refused to come out. I went over to see what had happened. Her mom informed me that she wouldn't leave unless it was for food, I knew her family well they were like a second to mine. So I knocked on the door she said" Please go away mom I'm still not feeling well after what happened I could really use some alone time right now." To which I said " Himeko it's Blayne! I wanted to see if you were ok after what happened." She said " Why are you here? Everyone else left and blamed me are you here to do the same?" That hit me hard I hit my knees  as I said " Himeko I'm not here to tell you any of that, I'm not going anywhere I told you that on that rainy day when Miho showed you that letter. I just want to help you! I want to be there for you! Like I should have been when everything happened, I don't want to let you down again! I can't let you down again! I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you again. But you have to open up I miss you Himeko I need to know that you're ok." I began to cry as I completely adnoliged my failure and I began muttering " It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I did this didn't I?" The door opened and she was in tears as well we embraced I stood again and I told her to trust me. Then she looked down and informed me what that letter she had been shown that day was. Then something inside me snapped next thing I knew I had signed one of those papers for myself the only thing on my mind at that moment was to keep Himeko safe. Keep that promise. What the hell was I thinking? Wait I know, I was doing my best to be a good friend she was like a sister to me.
One day I was walking somewhere I think it was to the store to buy a snack I'm not to sure. Regardless of what I was going to the store for, I never made it to the store, this van pulled up beside and these two men in black suits and shades got out of it and asked me for my name " Are you Blayne Konishi?" I replied " Yea! Why?" I was then Sedated and I wake up in the cargo bay of a large plane. Conveniently I was next to Himeko, she looked very frightened so I tried my best to keep her calm and comfort her. There were a large number of people in the cargo bay clearly just as confused as we were The airplane trip was rough everyone was crammed into the cargo bay everyone's actions were interpreted by a large TV screen descending from the ceiling ( do planes have ceilings?) And a man explained thet we were all brought here to participate in a "game" we were to survive on a remote island off the coast of Japan, using these bombs called BIMs. The twist is we had to fight each other, if someone managed to gather 8 chips ( these chips were implanted into our left hands) they would be picked up and brought back to civilization. Some guy didn't like that idea too much and began yelling at the guy on the screen kinda like he knew the person, his protests were cut short when a guard on the outskirts of the crowd tazed him into unconsciousness. We were then hauled over to the door/ ramp on the back of the plane ( which had opened after the protesting guy was knocked out) and we were fitted with self opening parachutes and pushed out of the plane. Himeko started falling towards a beach on the outskirts of the island so remembering my promise I followed her, then disaster struck. Her chute failed so I dove to catch her, saving her from becoming a human pancake, we were still falling too fast so I used my telekinesis to slow our decent, I had to use my body to take the brunt of the fall as to not have Himeko hurt. The last thing I remember seeing before blacking out was my surroundings a sandy beach, a vast ocean, and a thick, lush jungle, then blackness. I woke up to Himeko and 3 adult males standing over me, I immediately got defensive remembering what happened to Himeko and an experience that I'm not ready to talk about. I don't trust men, especially adult men " Who the hell are you three? What are you doing? And what do you plan on doing?" The guy in the middle he looked about middle aged and he gave off the sensei vibe he explained " Woah Woah! Easy there where not here to hurt you or your friend. We just wanted to check up on you, we refuse to play this twisted game if theirs and we're forming a group to try to get off this island. Are you ok with that, your friend here already agreed to join. So will you?" I let my guard down and looked at Himeko she nodded and if she was ok with it I was as well so I agreed to join the group. We went fishing with our BIMs and sat around a fire telling each other about ourselves there was a young obese adult male who apparently as he said was a nobody, the middle aged guy from earlier was a Judo sensei ( guess I was right about the Sensei thing), and the last guy was a war veteran turned mercenary (he seemed to be in slight protest of the no killing rule established by the group) he and the sensei got into an argument and it very quickly turned hostile. The veteran grabbed Himeko and one of his BIMs and used her as a hostage, seeing the look of fear on her face brought back a memory of the Yoshioka incident and I lost it, before she could draw the stun gun she keeps in her skirt pocket I had wheeled around to the back of the veteran's back kneed into it and put his neck into a mix of a full nelson and choke hold, forcing him to release my friend and fall onto the ground, I then dug my knees deeper into his back and began choking him more. I leaned into his ear and whispered " If you value your life in the slightest, you will never touch my best friend again. AM I UNDERSTOOD" I didn't release him until he choked out a promise, I then helped him up and checked on Himeko she was alright albeit a little shaken but otherwise fine. I said " Now  that we have that out of the way let's continue with our conversation shall we" There was a discussion on electing a leader to be in charge of supplies and weapons, Himeko was voted ( for being a women no doubt) she hates it when things like that happen so I agreed to share leadership to try and make her feel better. There was a loud rumbling sound overhead and a plane flew over us dropping items much too small to be people, so we went to investigate. It was a case of supplies the veteran grabbed it and had us follow him so we could eat as we did the Sensei appeared out of the brush behind Himeko, nearly scaring her half to death, he began to lecture us about saving and conserving our food I say began to because he was cut short by his throat being sliced by a knife that the veteran had on him I tried as best I could to stop the bleeding and save him but he lost to much blood and died. That was truly horrifying, later that night we were awoken by the obese guy who's name was Aketchi telling us we should grab the supplies and make a run for it, he didn't have to tell me twice especially after what happened earlier so the three of us quietly hightailed it out of there. We walked for a while until Aketchi needed to take a break and he sat down, gave us water and took a breather. Himeko looked at him letting her guard down for the first time since we got to the island and said " Your nice aren't you?" This comment made Aketchi and I chuckle he lifted his glasses and suddenly I felt this cold chill run through me, Aketchi's face turned pale and he said  "Holy crap he's here ! He's following us!" Before we could ask how he knew this he broke off into a panicked sprint we followed after him as he explained that he used the "radar" by flexing his left hand me and Himeko tested this out only to see the veteran chasing us. We ended up at an old, wooden bridge that looked like it was a second from collapsing, Aketchi out of fear and desperation threw one of his BIMs at the guy, it was a burning gas type and all plant life in the area began to die. We ran across the bridge before we met the same fate as the ferns something told me that wasn't the last we'd see of the mercenary. We ended up on a rocky slope still walking and fleeing from the vet, Aketchi didn't seem to keen on releasing Himeko's arm from his grip and he kept pulling her along she asked him repeatedly to let her go, he then started talking about having to kill someone if the next battle arouse. Safe to say Himeko wasn't so keen on listening to him anymore. She punched him in the face, he slapped her, and before I could react she pulled out her stun gun and used it on him until he became unconscious. We ran for I don't know how long, until we ended up at what looked like an abandoned radio tower to rest and reflect on things. l close my eyes to rest for the first time since getting to the island and next thing I see is Aketchi leaning over Himeko with a phycotic and sadistic look in his eyes. I rushed over as fast as I could, only to be met with a punch to the gut and a blast from the stun gun that he took from Himeko, I couldn't move, my mind was to fried to even think let alone use my telekinesis and I watched in horror as Aketchi pinned my best friend to the ground opening her shirt and groping and licking her breast. He then unzipped and pulled down his pants, he tried to spread her legs. She pulled something out of her pocket, and it began beeping. It was a timer BIM! Was she really going to throw her life away, not on my watch. At that moment I saw red and I blacked out, when I calmed down and could control my actions again I was in top of Aketchi punching his face over and over and over again. His face was a mess covered in blood, his nose shattered, eyes and cheeks bruised, and he was barely breathing, I then felt a tug on my shirt sleeve and I saw Himeko,the look of sheer terror on her face after seeing what I did to Aketchi it hurt me badly, she was afraid of me, I was supposed to protect her but she was afraid of me. But then her expression turned into one of realif she then hugged me tightly, thanking me over and over again, I looked at Aketchi  once more and thought to myself " I can't believe I killed him! Sure he deserved it. But did I take it too far?" I then kicked his corpse off the cliff and me and Himeko proceeded to leave hoping to get what just occurred out of our minds. We came across a waterfall and Himeko wanted to clean herself after what just happened (I can't blame her after something like that happened) she told me to get some rest since everytime I had tried to in the past I was interrupted by something, as I rested my eyes I asked Himeko a question " Did I ever tell you why I don't trust men?" " Yea. You said your dad did something bad to you when you were six right?" " Yea. But I wasn't to specific was I?" " No you weren't. But why are you bringing this up?" " Well I trust you and I thought I should tell you why I blacked out back there. Is that ok with you?" " Sure. If you really want to." " Ok when I was younger my dad used to beat my mom before he finally left her. He was a bad alcoholic, and he loved to abuse and rape my mother. He told me I was an accident any time I disappointed him. One time I got tired of him doing this to my mom so I stood up to him and fought back. Safe to say that didn't end well for me instead of beating and raping my mom, he did it to me. He gave me a black eye, and a broken nose. But, I'll never forget that feeling, his hot breath on my neck and back, his hands pinning my arms behind my back having them feel like they're on the verge of breaking, his "shaft" going in and out of my butt, but the worst thing about it was the fact that my mom was tied to a chair and forced to watch this happen to me. This scarred me for life, I was so traumatized by that ordeal that I can't even look at a man without having flashbacks. That's why I lost it back at Yoshioka's place and then here when Aketchi was standing over you. Not only does it remind me of my failure, but it reminds of what my father did." As I said this I began to uncontrollably claw at my arms as if hugging myself, rocking back and forth, my nails digging so deep into my skin that it drew blood and tore meat. I then began crying tears that began to flow so forcefully that my eyes began to burn and I was blinded. The next thing I knew someone had wrapped me in a hug, holding me tightly rocking me and giving reassuring words of comfort. At first I started flailing but when I heard their voice I calmed down it was Himeko, and she was the only person in the world that I knew I could trust. To be honest if it was anyone else I wouldn't have calmed down. Somehow I fell asleep during this memorable moment only to be awaken by Himeko telling me to hurry up and that we needed to leave immediately, I looked up to see a man standing in the waterfall with a dark dress shirt and jeans, black hair and brown eyes. Before I could think or get an aforementioned flashback I picked up Himeko in a classic fireman's carry, carrying her and using telekinesis to carry our supply case and left as fast as possible.

I ran, and ran, but then all of the sudden I got this feeling in my gut telling me to use my radar and to keep running until I got to the jungle. I eventually found a cave and set Himeko down in order to check the inside of it. Or I would have set her down but she was clinging to me (I guess that guy showing up scared her more than it scared me, can't blame her though). " Himeko it's going to be ok", I smile down at her, " I need to check the inside of the cave to ensure that it's safe for you, I know how much you hate bugs, especially spiders." Her face went pale, well paler than before and she gripped me tighter as she said, " Please d-d- don't let me go I'm scared, I don't want to be alone!" She began to cry, shiver, and then she buried her face in my chest. I was terrified as well but I couldn't show it, that would make things worse, so I put on my best smile and said, " I'm not gonna leave you , what kind of friend would I be if I did that" (I know the answer to that our former friends) " I've got you Himeko and I'll never let go! Now let's take a look in the cave shall we?", The cave was empty and there was a smooth rocky shelf area that would make a great bedding area. I sat down and tried to coax Himeko into letting me go and lying down to sleep, but she absolutely refused to release me out of fear of abandonment, so I began to rock her back and forth like you would with a frightened child. As I rocked her I began to tell her more of my past trauma, opening up to her completely " You know I understand completely how you feel right now, after that incident with my dad I was absolutely petrified of the thought of my mom going anywhere without me. Just like you are with me right now am I right?", She nodds and our eyes lock as she waits for me to continue, I only hope that she can't see the fear and overwhelming thoughts running through my brain. " If she ever went to the bathroom I'd collapse at the door crying and rocking back and forth begging her to come back. That "moment" I'd had with my father wasn't just a one and done thing, it would happen weekly, whenever my mom would go to work because God knows my old man wasn't going to do it. He'd wait until the moment my guard was down and have his way with me. He said if I kept quiet about it he wouldn't touch my mother for the entire week, but that was a lie, he never left her alone, never. So whenever my mom was home I wouldn't leave her side for any reason not even for food or a bathroom break. Eventually my father left and it was just me and mom, and with her newfound freedom she did a mother's job and took up more hours and another job in order to make a better life for me. She wasn't home that much and it terrified me even at the age of 10. But do you know how I got over it?" Himeko looked down, deep in thought, but eventually she looked at me and asked," How did you do it?" I smiled and answered "I learned to trust her, I learned that even though she wasn't always there, she'd be there when I needed her most, and I trusted her with that. The five years of martial arts training may have helped slightly, but it was the trust I put in my mother and the trust I'm now putting in you that helped me through it all. That's the same trust I'm asking you to put in me. Do you think you can trust me? Would you believe me if I promised to never leave you when you needed me and that I'd always be by your side when I am needed most?" She sat there quietly for a while just staring at me, her eyes grew stormy with deep thought, until she said, " I trust you, I trust you completely and I believe everything you've said because you never break your promises." She looked down as if she wanted to say something but she was holding herself back, until she looked up and said" I-I I think I'm ready to sleep now, goodnight Blayne. Sleep well, please." She then rested her head on my lap and laid down soon enough she was asleep, I spent the rest of the night watching over her, with millions of thoughts running through my mind. Oddly the  one that surfaced repeatedly was " What did she stop herself from saying?" Eventually the sun came up and Himeko was as well, and best of all she was smiling again, she actually looked happy and at peace for the first time in I can't remember how long. That sweet, innocent, and beautiful smile, Lord I missed it and I caught myself, for the first time since I got to this island not worrying about someone coming around the corner being quicker than I was, killing Himeko and I. It felt as though a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulder, like I was finally free from my trauma and scars. We could survive this!!!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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