The First Meeting

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"Next stop, planet Phunulon!" Wander announced, as the three of you boarded an orbble bubble.

"Okay, bud, but after that we're getting something to eat. And I don't wanna hear anything about fair food, because I want jellyfish pie," Sylvia replied.

Wander and you both did a little gagging motion at the mention of jellyfish pie. Neither of you understood exactly why Sylvia liked the stuff, it was so gross! From the slimy texture to the overly salty taste, even the mention grossed you out.

"Then where d'ya wanna go, (y/n)?" Wander asked, turning towards you. You shrugged, unsure. "Could we maybe just go exploring? I've barely seen any of the new galaxy since I started exploring with you two."

"Ooh, great idea!" Wander exclaimed, as excited as ever. He'd already explored the whole galaxy with Sylvia, but he was always trying to make you feel more included. "Whaddaya think, Syl?"

"Eh, sure, why not. We may as well make her feel more at home with us," Sylvia shrugged. She seemed on board with the idea, which made you smile a little.

"Aww, look, she's smiling!" Wander cheered.

You were happy that he was so excited about you smiling. You'd never had a friend like that before... Wander and Sylvia truly are exceptional.


After a wonderful time on Phunulon and a delicious meal at Sylvia's favourite diner, it was exploring time.

"Ooh, where should we head first?! The beach planet of Beachtropolis? The planet with the infinite mall? The crystal planet?!" Wander offered suggestions left and right, but none of them quite resounded with you.

Wander pulled out his map. "What about this planet right here?"

You turned to look at the map, and noticed where he was pointing. It was a secluded, forested planet, and it looked beautiful.


Wander cheered again, before the two of you hopped onto Sylvia and began the journey to that planet.

Once you reached it, however, your peace was interrupted by the loud revving of an engine. Suddenly, a large skull shaped space ship appeared in front of you.

Wander and Sylvia exchanged worried looks, but you were just confused. What was that? You'd never seen a space ship quite like it before.

The tongue of the ship descended onto the ground, and a large skeleton along with a small man with an eyeball for a face stood on top of the tongue.

"Wander and Sylvia, it's finally time to be captured! For good, this time!" the skeleton announced. "Wait, who's that with you?"

Wander put a hand on your shoulder, before yelling up to the skeleton, "this is (y/n)! She's our new friend!"

The skeleton's eyes immediately morphed into hearts. "A... l-l-lady?"

The eyeball man looked up at the skeleton with what you could only assume was shock. "Sir! Please, she's a do-gooder! She works with Wander and Sylvia! You can't possibly-"

"But Peepers..." the skeleton practically drooled. "She's so... pretty..."

Peepers rolled his eye and made the eyeball equivalent of a dejected frown. "Okay, first of all, no, she's not. Second of all, I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO CAPTURE WANDER AND SYLVIA! WHY ARE YOU SO HUNG UP ON THIS RANDOM GIRL?!"

You took offense to what Peepers had said. "Did you just call me ugly?"

"He's one to talk..." Sylvia chuckled.

"Hey! I heard that, Zbornak!" Peepers pointed a finger at Sylvia in anger.

"I have a plan," you whispered to Wander. "I'll pretend to be in love with that skeledude, and once I can, I'll betray him! You two will be safe!"

"A-are you sure?" Wander asked, sounding worried.

"(Y/n), you don't have nearly enough experience to deal with those two!" Sylvia added.

"I'll be fine," you reassured them. "If there's anything I learned on my home planet... it's how to defend myself."

You walked up the giant tongue that descended onto the planet, and walked up to the skeleton. "Hey, cutie~ What's your name?"

The skeleton's cheekbones turned bright green as he fumbled out his answer. "U-uh... H-hater..."

"Ooh, Hater? Such a strong name," you crooned, getting a bit too close to Hater's face. "I'd gladly join you and leave those two idiots behind..."

"U-uh, yeah..." Hater croaked out, unable to get a real sentence in.

Peepers facepalmed. "Sir, you can't really be serious..."

"Shut it, Peepers! A girl finally likes me!" Hater snapped. "Aren't you happy for me?"

Peepers squeaked out a small noise, before shutting up.

"I don't trust her," he grumbled.

"Well, too bad! 'Cause she's gonna be my new girlfriend, and we're gonna get married!" Hater stuck his tongue out at his second in command.

Really, you didn't understand why Peepers was so mad. You'd be happy if one of your friends got a girlfriend or boyfriend!

Then again, you weren't Peepers. You didn't know what was going on his head... err, eye.

"I bet you're just jealous," Hater taunted the eye-headed man beside him.

"That's absurd," Peepers replied. "I don't get jealous."

"Really? 'cause last I remember, you were crying over-" Sylvia yelled from the bottom of the tongue.

Peepers turned bright red. "SHUT UP, ZBORNAK!!!"

You wondered what Sylvia had been about to say.

You, Hater, and Peepers walked into the skull shaped ship, and really... you had no idea of what was in store for you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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