Start from the beginning

Wolf's cell phone starts ringing, he takes it out of his right pants pocket and answers


Hello?... Diane! I'm glad to hear you, tell me, do you need help?



I'm fine, you know that here in the office it's a bit heavy with documents, but can I ask you for a little help? I need to organize some files for the new activities I have to do.


Of course give us half an hour to get there, we just had breakfast here in the cafeteria and I have to pay the bill, so see you...


See you, Bye!

(Wolf hangs his phone)


Great! The gentleman helping his lady with boring things...


Jejeje, it seems that your precious girl needs you like an emergency

C'mon guys stop, you know me, she is my soulmate, I will always be there for anything, she believed us from the beginning and now she has become the love of my life.

(They get up from their seats and leave the payment and some tip on the table)

Oh yes, of course, since she kissed you on that tree in the forest, my heart broke because I feel like I'm going to lose you because you're my best friend and I'm never going to leave you

Don't be a liar, I saw you hanging on the other side and I saw you with a disgusted face sticking out your tongue when you said that.

I'm not a liar, I just said it as an expression, he deserves all the love that Diane is giving him


Now I see why...

Excuse me guys, but what are you talking about? Are you talking about the governor dating wolf for a while?




Absolutely nothing about that! Actually it's about a comedy essay that talks about it but it's not true


That's right, it's just that, just in case I leave the payment and the tip on the table and thank you


No problem! You're welcome, also I'm a good fan of you since you rescued that cat from the tree


Really! Oh thank you, yeah that cat. You know that now it is my pet now?


No way! That's so cute Did you put a name?


Yes, his name is Kitty


Ok, have a nice day guys




Uff...That was close! next time don't raise your voices saying something about our relationship


Relax Wolf, everything will be fine, you have to hide that she is only your friend and that you are working with her for her job and...

(Webs looks at a white camaro parked in the handicapped zone and his face changes in a confused way.)


Who the hell dared to park their car there I don't like that

CHASED FOR THE PAST (A Story of The Bad Guys)Where stories live. Discover now