Chapter 2

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Feet quickly padded on grey carpet as the hedgehog heard someone fall over. He glanced at the golden furred kit and sighed. "I told you to stay in bed didn't I?" He questioned. No reply. The blue hero tilted his head when the fox stayed motionless. "Tails? Bud?!" Again, no reply. He scooped up the younger one, placing him back in bed.


Tails' namesakes twitched as he blinked, groaning, stretching. A hand cupped his face, gently raising it so his eyes met the shining emerald ones of his older brother. "H-hey Sonic." He yawned out. "Hey bud. How you doin'?" The tone of the azure hedgehog was scared and relieved at the same time. "I.. I'm tired." The creamy white of the muzzle rose as the amber ears flattened with a yawn. Sonic chuckled softly at the cute, small cub gave a fangy yawn. He slid into the bed with his adorable, fluffy baby vulpine and stroked his soft fur. The pup muttered something, becoming still with sleep. The emerald eyes shut and the hedgehog's breathing slowed as he followed his lil' bro into the slumber world.


Sonic awoke to a loud whimpering and shaking. He grabbed his brother by the shoulders and shook him but the younger one continued crying out, his temperature extremely high. He hugged his shivering companion and whispered, "I'm here bro, just open your eyes." He soothed, inwardly worried at the vulpine's temperature. The fox kit let out a gasp, his blue eyes full of fear and would have bolted upright had it not been for Sonic's arms. He nuzzled his head into the tan chest of his older brother, sobbing and shuddering. Sonic grasped the small cub and drew him closer to his comforting presence but the kit just climbed onto his fluffy chest and settled down, still sobbing. "It's okay. Big brother's got you. Big brother's got you." He soothed, purring and hoping to help Tails calm down. An hour later.... Tails crying began to fade into small whimpers and whines, eventually stopping completely. His namesakes were still flat on the floor. "You feeling better lil' buddy?" The golden head shook, showing that he was not okay, the nightmare had done a number on him. Sonic gave him a long hug, then got up and suprised Tails with a tickle attack. The cub began uncontrollably giggling and writhing on the bed. It's muzzle turned pink after a while, not being able to breathe much. "S-stop, I.. I need to b-breathe.." he managed to pant out, noticing the panting, the hedgehog stopped. The vulpine quickly dove under the covers and curled into a ball as he caught his breath, still giggling. Gloved hands pulled the covers away from the golden fur. Emerald eyes sparkled at how cute the fox kit was.

(This how adorable he is, just without the pacifier

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(This how adorable he is, just without the pacifier.)

The amber fox stretched, giving a yawn so big it displayed his fox kit fangs. An alert blared, saying Eggman was up to mischief again. "Lets go buddy!"

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