Let Me Show You, The Dark Part Of My Past

Start from the beginning

 "That's so cruel" she muttered. Natasha continued,  

 "She was beautiful, she had lovely brown hair, and sparkling green eyes" Valeriya resisted the urge to reach up towards her own brown hair, and green eyes.

 "She was always smiling" Natasha spoke wistfully. "I wanted to spend as much time with her, because I knew our time together was short. I would play in the hills with her, I would sing to her, I would carry her upon my shoulders." She sighed, and opened her eyes again.  "Then they day came. They knocked on our door demanding the child. I tried everything to keep them away, but they took her in the end. I looked for her for days after that, until one day another person came to my door, telling me my daughter had died." Natasha inhaled sharply.  "They never told me how, they didn't even give me her body" at this point Natasha was crying. Valeriya quickly grabbed her shoulder  

  "They are horrible people, we both know that. They not only took away your child, but also your hopes for having more. I know of the ceremony once you succeed. They are disgusting people, I believe that's why we both left." Valeriya stated, trying to comfort Natasha the best she could. Natasha looked back at Valeriya.   

 "I'm sorry for telling you that story, I shouldn't have-" Natasha began but was interrupted by Valeriya standing up.    

 "Don't apologize" Valeriya said, placing her palms face down on the table in front of her.

   "I must ask you though, before it drives me insane, you said you were their first success. What- did you mean by that?" Valeriya asked, shakingly. Natasha raised her eyebrow slightly but spoke,    

 "I was their first and best. I was the first one they tried the serum on, and it worked. They were proud of me, like a successful creation" she explained.Valeriya allowed her thought to drift back to a memory "Your mother was the first, and the best"

 "What?" Natasha asked. Valeriya tilted her head quizzically.

 "I didn't-" then it dawned on her, she must have spoken her memory out loud. Valeriya widened her eyes. Natasha stood up from her chair slightly.

 "Valeriya? What did you say?" Natasha questioned, walking closer to where Valeriya stood. Valeriya backed up a little, feeling the chair touch her fingers. She winced realizing she has no where to run to, Natasha was much faster than she was, and she had no clear way to escape. She forced herself to face Natasha again, who had stopped a couple feet in front of her, her expression a mixture of sceptical and scared. Valeriya sighed in a slight defeat.

 "I said-"

 "Agent Romanoff" Nick Fury's voice boomed as he entered the control room. Valeriya took this opportunity is to slide past Natasha, whose focus was on the director of SHIELD. But Natasha was quicker than Valeriya realized, for has she passed by Natasha in a brisk walk, an arm reached out and seized her arm, bringing her the Natasha's side. Valeriya tried to pull away, but Natasha grip was firm, not allowing her to move. Valeriya glared up at Natasha, but she was looking at her. Natasha eyes never left the face of the director.  

 "Yes sir?" she responded, still holding tight to Valeriya's arm. The director acknowledged the situation with the raise of his eyebrow, but he didn't say anything. Valeriya sighed in frustration, still trying to tug her arm out of Natasha grasp.  

  "Quinjet leaves in ten minutes" he stated. Valeriya stopped struggling. Natasha nodded.

  "I'll be there in five" she said, and with that Nick Fury walked out the door. Natasha finally let go of Valeriya's arm and stared at her, dead on. Valeriya did not dare flinch as Natasha spoke.  

  "When I get back, I want to know exactly what you said, and any other information that might prove that-" she stopped, her face flushing red.  

 "To prove what?" Valeriya asked, her heart beat beginning to beat faster. A thought tugging at the back of her brain, yet she couldn't uncover what it was. Natasha shook her head,  "Never mind. On another note, would you like to come out to the hanger to see the quinjet off?" She asked. Valeriya sighed, but smiled and nodded her head. Natasha grinned, and gestured for Valeriya to follow her.The walked in silence towards the hanger. Valeriya desperately tried to pinpoint the thought in her mind. All she knew was that it had something to do with Natasha. The finally made it to what Valeriya assumed was the hanger. It was a large, steel room filled with all different kind of planes. The plane they approached, was the same type of plane that brought Valeriya to SHIELD. Natasha told her that they were slightly early, so she invited Valeriya onto the jet. Valeriya went straight for the cockpit.  

  "They taught us how to fly jets like this" Valeriya whispered to Natasha. Natasha whipped her head towards her.    

 "Really?" She asked. Valeriya nodded. She was about to point out all the controls when Natasha quickly interrupted her.    

 "They are coming, let's get out" she said quickly. Valeriya stumbled out of the jet in an awkward rush,   

  "Oh-ok" she muttered. Natasha smiled sympathetically as her, and motion for her to stand a little bit to the right. Valeriya stood awkwardly to the right as Fury and Agent Barton approached the jet. Agent Barton walked past Natasha, a bag slung over his shoulder, and walked up the ramp into the jet. Natasha rolled her eyes, and stood in front of Fury.     "Mission is a go, sir" he stated, her hands behind her back. Valeriya watched on, leaning up against a nearby wall. She watched as Natasha nodded a goodbye to Fury, and he walked away. She glanced over at Valeriya, and gave her a sad smile and mouthed the word "promise" Valeriya smiled nervously, remembering the promise she made Natasha, to tell her what she had said. Valeriya shivered a bit, as the quinjet engines roared to life. She watched, her smile slowly dropping, as the quinjet slowly flew out of the hanger and cloaked. Valeriya sighed as the quinjet became fully invisible, and she turned around to make her way back down to the training room.

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