Chapter 1

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As the morning sun rose on the horizon, you could start to see people moving around, starting to walk to their work or just interacting, as the city became alive again. Tokyo was bustling night and day, a city that never sleeps, full of crime, full of heroes. Home to the greatest heroes there ever were, and a few weeks after the retirement of the former number.1 All Might. The Hero society was crumbling, barely holding on, yet it did not seem like that, as many rich heroes, people in business just threw their money around, not a care in the world.

The streets felt safe, for a moment, until they didn't, villain attacks were nothing too bad. Many of the citizens who were now walking through these streets felt uneasy, but their fears were quickly replaced with awe as they witnessed the scene before them.

A tall, blonde man, he couldn't have been old, quite the opposite, it was the world's youngest pro-hero to make the charts of the Top 10 Heroes of Japan. Hawks. With the golden eyes that had starred in many clothing and parfume ads, the cheeky smile that starred in everyones dreams.

A charming man with wealth that many dream of, a reputation of a insatiable playboy, that's who he was as he pummeled a villain to the ground. His muscles tightened as his grip did too. His eyes searching the crowd for any other disturbances. He offered an apologetic smile to a lady nearby "Sorry 'bout that." He smiled, as he gave her back her small bag.

"Thank you, so much.."

He smiled at her, exhaling happily when he heard the police sirens in the distance "It's nothing ma'am, it's what I'm here for." His eyes had set their gaze on her as she bowed before him, slowly "You're truly a sight for sore eyes in such situations!" The people around cheered for him, a few of the young women swooning over him, taking pictures and handing him notepads so they can forever have the evidence they had - indeed met the charming number.2 hero, the hero of many of Japan's citizen's hearts.

Still, Hawks felt an eerie silence in his head, and he was in his head quite a lot. His eyes still alert as he absentmindedly smiled at his fans, giving them subtle nods and words of 'thanks' when they complimented him. And his work was done when a nearby officer had taken away the villlain. He just took a step back.

"Thank you, Hawks." He said, the hero just nodded, his eyes darting to the police car. "Always a pleasure."

It wasn't long till his phone rang, and he groaned. He accepted the caller, bringing the phone up to his ear. "Well, Well, you've just went to work without telling me anything?" Kojo was many things, but she was not patient, sitting in an office, taking care of Hawks' career, she groaned. "How many more times will I have to take care of that stupid reputation of yours! Keep yourself on a leash."

"Oh, sorry, I thought I was a hero, am I supposed to stand by and watch a woman get robbed?" He asked, walking down the street, shooting pleasant smiles at the people walking past him. "Latest article states 'Hawks recklessly destroys a lamppost taking down a robber, is the young hero getting sloppy?' I mean, seriously? Just start working better!"

"They'll fix it, K." He rolled his eyes "There's better things to worry about, like my manager."

She laughed into the phone "Yes, another reason I'm calling you, your mother is hosting a large hero gala next month, she wants you to bring a date, official one." Kojo told him, she was as unhappy as he was "She is what? Kojo, come on, I'm not going with another stuck up heiress to some stupid gala" His gaze had stayed on a nearby shop, he saw some disturbance.

He had completely stopped listening to his manager, his gaze fell on the young woman standing on the sidewalk, she was staring at a police officer as he was escorting a man out of the store. She was kneeled down, comforting a little girl. He smiled a bit, he sighed into the phone "Gotta go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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