"Okay, everyone. please calm down. why don't you take a seat and listen? I have something very important to tell you all!"

"what is it? just start the train already!"

"you can't do this without our consent!"

oh my god, no one has an ounce of common sense here, I swear, if I make it out alive, I specifically will take one of these people out myself. I mean, does it look like a random movie effect can occur without CGI!

"how are you going to compensate for this?!"

"mommy, what is that? is it a cartoon?"

there was so much screaming. I looked at the man besides the women who though she could talk the dokkaebi, though if I was is her situation, not knowing,  I would try to. he seemed lost in thought, but, not scared, nervous, nothing of the sort. almost calm and collected. it weirded me out.

"Sangah, uh, you, don't move."

huh? what is he planning.


"yeah, no, I don't get ordered around by strangers."


"It sure is noisy here, isn't it?"


"...Told. YOU..."


...it was fast, the sound of the mans head exploding echoed around the cabin. it didn't effect me as much as everyone else, they started backing away. but, that was expected. people should know better than to question strange creatures.

"We're not filming a movie."

"This isn't a dream..."

"...or a novel..."

that's what you think...okay yeah not the time.

"...And it certainly isn't the reality that you are all familiar with! Do you understand?!"

I could only look around. Sangah, I think her name was was absolutely petrified, and the man beside her looked the same, just not as bad. I almost forgot most people weren't use to this much death. but, even then, to think this was becoming the reality of the world, any doubt had now faded, and as the floor quickly became painted in blood, realization hit. my survival instincts aren't ever going to leave, no matter how hard I try to leave them, not in this new world.

"All of you have had quite a cushy life until now, haven't you?"

"You were able to breathe, eat, excrete, and reproduce without paying the costs! HA!"

"But it's all over now..!"


"is it money you want?"

money? money?! does this b**** think money is going to solve this s***?! I really can't deal with humanities ego of having to lead to money.

"Sangah, isn't that Mr. Han from the finance team?"


he spoke again, so this dumba**'s name is Han, yeah, let's see where this is going to lead to.

"if it's money you're after, I'll give you as much as you want. and just so you know, this is what I do."

"how much do you need? a million? or two million perhaps?"

"Hmm. So you're offering me your money?"

"I'll give you as much as you want if you let me out of here."

An Enigma (ORV x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now