"And I know you two well enough to know something is going on," Diane said.

Esme and I looked at each other before smiling and feeling happy.

"Why don't you tell her Caleb," Esme said.

"Tell me what?" Diane asked.

"Esme is pregnant Mom. We're having a baby," I said.

Diane jumped out of her seat and came over to give Esme and I a hug.

"I am so happy for you both. I know how much you've wanted a baby,"

"Diane... we are excited but it's still early days. We only got pregnant through IVF. I've been having some really bad morning sickness. I've got anti sickness pills,"

"Oh sweetheart. I know it might not seem it but morning sickness is good. I had a lot of morning sickness with Caleb," Diane said.

"The Doctor is really worried. I've got anti sickness pills to try and if they don't work I'll have to go into hospital until it's under control. I've not kept much food down in two days," Esme said.

"You'll be ok. I hope you both aren't worrying about this. Just take it easy Esme and eat small amounts more regularly. That seemed to help me," Diane said.

We all had some tea and cake and then went outside in the garden in the warm sun and chatted for a while. It was soon evening and we all had a small dinner together before Esme was exhausted and she retired to bed.

"I'm going to go up to bed," Esme said.

I kissed her softly and then smiled "I'm just going to have a tea and I'll be up," I said to her.

"Ok. In case I'm asleep when you come up. I love you," she said.

"I love you too," I said.

Esme kissed me once more before going up to bed. I went to the kitchen and made a cup of tea before sitting down at the breakfast bar. My Mother came in.

"You know even though we don't see each other often I still know when something is bothering you Caleb," my Mom said.

"I'm just worried about Esme. We've been though a lot the past year and a half and I nearly lost her Mom. I don't want us to lose our baby," I said.

"What happened," she asked.

"Mom... I can't. You'll hate me,"

"I'm your Mother. I'd never hate you,"

"I slept with my office secretary a few times. It was a huge mistake. If I could take it all back I would. Esme found out. She ran out of my office and was hit by a car. She was sick for a while. I had so much making up to do. I didn't think she would ever forgive me. I was convinced she was going to tell me to leave. I love her so much and I wish I'd never done what I did,"

"Oh Caleb. I'm glad you guys got through it. It's clear Esme really loves you. The fact you're both here together with a baby on the way means a lot. It's clear Esme has forgiven you so you need to forgive yourself and forget,"

"I'm glad she has. I cannot be without her. She's my whole life. I wanted to be at home more. I sold Dad's business. It was a hard decision but I gathered he would want me to put my family first like he always did. I've got a 8-4 job now and I'm home with Esme more and I love it,"

"Don't ever think your Dad would never be proud. He would just want you and your family to be happy,"

"Thanks Mom,"

I drank my tea and then gave her a hug.

"Night Mom,"

"Goodnight sweetheart,"

I went up to my old room and went inside and shut the door behind me. I looked over to see Esme still awake.

"You still awake," I asked her as I took my clothes off to get into bed.

"Yeah it sounds stupid but I couldn't sleep without you next to me," Esme said.

"I am here now," I said getting into bed.

Esme rubbed her hand over my cheek "Whats wrong?" She asked.

"Just worried about you. I spoke with Mom about what has happened and she thinks I still don't forgive myself,"

"I can see the hurt in your eyes sometimes when you look at me. If I can forgive you then you can forgive yourself Caleb. Things happened. Horrible things. But that's in the past now. We've got a future to look forward too,"

Esme leant in and kissed me softly. I kissed her back softly and she climbed on top of me.

"Esme what are you doing?" I asked as her hands went to my underwear.

"Shhh... just keep quiet," she said silencing me with her lips.

I felt Esme lift her nighty up and she slowly lowered herself onto me.

"Baby... we can't. My Mom only sleeps down the hall," I said.

"Then be quiet," she said.

I giggled. I loved her naughtiness so much.

Esme began to move up and down on me slowly allowing me to fill her each time. She leant down pressing her lips to my neck as she moaned softly.

My hands went to her waist helping her to move up and down. I gasped as I entered her each time. She felt incredible. Esme's hand went over my mouth when I gasped again. It was hard to keep quiet.

She moved a few more times and I felt myself release into her. A few more movements and I felt Esme cum around me. We stayed in position for a few months catching our breath. Esme looked into my eyes. She leant down to kiss me and I kissed her back.

"I wish we were alone...," Esme said.

"A few days and we will be," I said.

"But I want you to fuck me right now,"

I giggled "There is no way we can keep quiet enough for that,"

Esme got off me and cuddled to me. She pressed her face into my neck and giggled.

"I know... I can't control myself sometimes," she said.

I cuddled up to Esme and we soon fell asleep.

The AffairOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant