Chapter 1

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Anakin Solo tugged on his itchy brown robes with a sigh. His Dad looked so cool with his vest and blaster while he had these stupid brown and tan robes. How was that fair?

His uncle and the kids he trained wore the same, and while they learned how to move stuff with their minds, Anakin was forced to practice patience and restraint. His mother trained him more than his uncle did. While his Dad went off into space for days, and sometimes weeks. Flying to the stars. He was leaving today, and Anakin had a plan.

While his mother sat next to him on a mat, legs crossed, breathing deeply. Anakin couldn’t sit still, but he played that up to get her attention.

She let out a sigh, her shoulders drooping as her eyes opened. “What is it this time Anakin?”

“I gotta pee.” He whined. She let out a huff and made a shooing motion. As he stood up, he hopped over to her. Placing a kiss on her cheek and giving her a quick hug. Shocking her for a moment. "I love you Mom!" He said, beginning his walk.

As he walked he heard her voice call after him. “I want you back in five minutes!" Anakin nodded and turned down the hall. He could hear the kids who practiced real Jedi stuff. And Anakin smiled as he pulled a switch out of his pocket. A small explosion was heard behind him as he took off running down the hall taking a turn away from the bathroom and towards a door.

His small hand flipped the switch as he went from a fast walk to a sprint. Running down the halls, until he got to the cargo bay. He saw his father on the other side. Motioning to the crates Anakin was hiding behind. Anakin heard what he said.

“We gotta move out soon, I want those crates on the Falcon in five minutes.” Anakin scurried into one of the larger crates. About a minute later he felt the box he was in lift up. He covered his mouth to contain the giggles that he wanted to let loose oh so much.

He was put down a few minutes later. But he still didn’t move. He got comfortable in the box. His Dad was going to be flying this ship to a system a ways away, to do what, he wasn’t really sure. His parents never gave him a straight answer. Thinking it’d be too much for his eight-year-old mind to grasp.

Anakin just had to wait till it’d be too much of an inconvenience to turn back. Which meant he fell asleep. It was definitely a while later when he woke up. He decided that was probably enough time, and pulled himself out of the crate. Feeling extremely stiff.

He made his way to a hatch that led to the floor. He wanted to scare his Dad. If the door to the cargo hold opened, that wouldn’t be quite as fun.

He knew this ship like the back of his hand. So after he was able to pry part of the floor up, he got down and easily fit in all the spaces. Until he was in one of the halls. He knew his Dad would be in the cockpit. It was his favorite place.

Anakin quietly pushed a panel up, getting out with a grunt. Looking around before padding quietly down the hall till he heard his Dad’s voice. Talking to his Wookie best friend. Anakin just stood in the doorway while his Dad and Chewy just talked about how life had been, reminiscing of the old times when his Mom, Dad, and Uncle had all flown in this ship, saving the galaxy.

As silence settled over them, and a calm expression came over his Dad’s features Anakin decided to make his presence known. Why not shatter his peace of mind?

“Hi, Dad!”

Han let out a yelp, before he sighed, putting his head in his hands, “Oh, Leia’s going to kill me… Well… after she kills you.” He said with a small shrug, getting a little bit of reassurance from the fact as he turned around to the smiling boy, Chewy let out a deep loud noise that shook his entire body like he was laughing. “Laugh it up fuzzball,” he said, pointing to the wall of fur with a glare. Then he pointed at Anakin, with a less hard version of the same glare. “What are you doing on my ship?”

Anakin let his shoulders drop as he sat in one of the seats that were clearly too big for him. “I don’t wanna be a Jedi, all I do is sit and be patient. You know me, I can’t sit still for five seconds! I am the complete opposite of patient! I’ll die of boredom if I keep doing the same thing. So, I’d rather be with you.” Anakin crossed his arms. Like there wasn’t a say in the matter.

“Sorry, buddy. I gotta get you back to your Mom or I’ll be stuck on the couch, you don’t want Daddy to be stuck on the couch, right?”

Anakin just looked away. “I’m not good at that stuff.” He mumbled. “I wanna fly spaceships like you,” Anakin said, looking out the window at the millions of stars passing by in the blink of an eye.

Han let a smile come to his face, true Leia would kill them both, but it felt good to know at least one of his kids was interested in what he did. “All right, how about this? I’ll let you stay, but. You will stay on the ship the entire time we are there. I just have to call your Mom first…” Han said, a shiver running down his spine at the thought of the dreaded conversation.

Anakin thought about his offer, no way would he actually stay on the ship. But his Dad didn’t need to know that. Apparently, they were still close enough to turn around, so he had to play his cards with care.

“Okay, deal!” Anakin shook his Dad’s hand, but then a thought came to his mind. “Since I’m going on a space adventure with you, can I please not wear this?” Anakin said, the robe falling over his hands as he held them out. He was small for his age, this was the smallest one they’d had and it was still too big.

Han got a wicked smile. “Follow me.” Anakin excitedly got up and followed his Dad down the hall until he pulled something out of a wall compartment.

He showed Anakin a white long-sleeve shirt, blue vest, dark brown pants, and a small belt. Basically an Anakin-size replica of what he was wearing. If it was possible. Anakin's smile got even bigger.

Author's Note -

This is buildup plot. But trust me. Things are gonna get interesting pretty quick.

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