DOORS HOTEL. (Chapter 4)

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Tallishi opened her eyes to be greeted with a cramped Elevator of about 4 people, before she realized she was being shook, and finally fully open her eyes.

"Hey! Are you okay?" A girl said, trying to shake Tallishi to wake up.

"Ugh.. gimme like.. 10 more minutes." Tallishi muttered, closing her eyes again due to the massive headache she now had.

Tallishi could feel her own heartbeat pounding inside her head from how bad it had gotten.

"You gotta get up though, we're on a elevator, so we're gonna have to get off soon." The girl spoke once more.

"Fine.." Tallishi stretched, getting up, which allowed her to finally get a good look of the girl Infront of her.

The girl was wearing all black, with a black hood covering her face, with long brown hair trailing down from under the hood, Tallishi was having a hard time trying to identify if it was wavy or curly, but whatever.

Tallishi noticed she also had a mask, and she was wearing a black hoodie, and black sweatpants. The only thing that appeared odd to her, was the fact there was a rainbow outline all along her, and every now and then, there was a rainbow fire design swirling around her every now and then.

"I'm Midnight by the way." The girl introduced herself, and Tallishi nodded.

"It's Tallishi." Tallishi returned the greeting, but Tallishi may have gotten stuck in her thoughts for a moment.

Honestly, is she really that tall? Or are all three of these people just short?

Tallishi noticed that the girl Infront of her was around 6ft maybe, something like that, while the two other guys were also the same height, making Tallishi a whole.. almost foot taller then them, what even was her height again? She forgot, but it must be pretty tall, which, honestly, Tallishi seemed to slowly be getting more insecure about it throughout the years, this surely didn't help.

But.. Tallishi's name has 'Tall' in it for a reason I guess.

She was interrupted by her thoughts when a ding was heard from the Elevator, and the doors of the Elevator opened.

Tallishi immediately tried to run out, since she hated this crowded elevator, before smacking her head on the frame of the elevator doors.

"FUCKING BLOODY HELL!" Tallishi yelled, holding her head as she fell to the ground, causing the others around her to laugh a little before rushing to her side to help her.

"You alright Talli?" A familiar voice asked, which Tallishi looked to the side to see who it was, and it was Masque.

"Oh.. Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me." Tallishi said, sitting up after she reassured them to not worry about her.

"Are you sure?" Midnight asked. "Can you atleast let me check if you have a concussion? You hit your head pretty hard-"

Tallishi sighed. "No. I'm fine." Tallishi strictly stated once more as she walked out of the elevator, the other 3 following her, well, minus Masque having to drag the other guy, who seemed to be Idle.

"Please? I'm worried.." Midnight replied, causing Tallishi to just pause, and look at her for a moment.

Tallishi was silent for a long while, before closing her eyes with a quiet sigh. "Fine, if it makes you feel better." Tallishi got onto her knees as well, so it was easier, considering her height.

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