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A/N: Please give your honest opinion. This is an idea for a story i've had for a while but i'm not sure if i'm good enough at writing to do it justice! Please tell me what you think and if you want me to carry on writing this!! :D Love each and every one of you! Enjoy! xxx

Dedicated to Paige_06 for helping me to get this idea rolling from a dream i had! :D Hope you like it!! xxx 


Location:- Secret Government office.

The spotlessly clean, perfectly decorated room is hectic. The leather seats in front of dark wooden desks are suddenly being filled with suited men, and two suited women. The Government Minister , Mr Wallace, strolls in and sits at the head of the table and the room suddenly becomes silent.

“Mr Wallace, please tell me this isn’t true?” One of the females asks, terror in her voice. Mr Wallace makes eye contact with everyone in the room, one by one, causing the tension in the room to build.

“I’m afraid to say, Miss Elise, that the rumours you have heard are true.” Mr Wallace spoke in a regrettable tone. The murmur of voices grew again, everyone conferring with the people sitting to the side of them.

“So we’re preparing for war?” Miss Elise had to double check.

“Yes. I’m afraid so. It’s something I had never seen coming, something I wish would never have come around…” Mr Wallace looked down at the reflection in the glass topped wooden table in front of him, staring at the face staring back at him. “War has been declared.”

“So what are we going to do?” A suited male of African origin asks. “Send out all the troops we have? All the army?” The murmuring voices rose again.

“No. That’s what I asked originally. They said no matter how many troops we threw at them, we’d just lose them. We’re fighting against people who have been waiting for this day for years. They’ve modified their weapons, their plan of attack, their troops. Ours wouldn’t last a second. We may as well be back in World War 1, getting the guys to run out of the trenches towards a machine gun.” Mr Wallace shook his head.

“What have they suggested then?” The suited man asks.

“We need to train people up. 24/7 we will be testing them, training them and picking the best ones for this war.”

“And they’re willing to wait for us to train people before starting this war?” Miss Elise spoke up.

“Of course not. As we speak I have an elite team coming up with all the directions we can take this as we stall this war. They should be here soon to tell-” Mr Wallace was interrupted by a woman, thick rimmed glasses half way down her nose and brown hair falling out of the bun it was meant to be in, bursting through the door.

“Sir? I think we’ve got it!” She looked round the room and smiled gently at the people gawping at her inappropriate entrance.

“Go on…” Mr Wallace gestured for her to walk to the head of the table and discuss the idea.

“Well, we’ve researched previously that people are willing to train harder and longer when they are teenagers to young adults. Given a target, they try harder than adults to reach it. We checked all the local schools, academies, colleges and universities and have noted that Loughmansterne Academy, shorted to LMS Academy, had the highest turnover of students leaving to follow a career in sports, dance – anything to do with fitness. With help from the ‘Higher Powers’ I think we can convince this school to train students for this war…” She grinned, full of herself and the plan her team had come up with.

“How? We need their consent. We can’t just throw students into a war!” Another suited man raised a hand as he spoke. The murmuring died down and Mr Wallace looked over to the woman who was now looking not so full of herself.

“Well, I mean, we’re still working on it… But maybe paying the school to give us students. It’d be the ones who aren’t really going to go anywhere in life, you know? We’re planning to ask the school to make each of the students take a compulsory after school activity. The ones who refuse, don’t like what they have or pick one and don’t turn up will be put into the school’s ‘last option’ AKA our training thing. There will be a contract they need to sign and everything, but I reckon it’ll be more popular than you think!” The female grinned.

“What’s your name sorry?” Mr Wallace asks her.

“Miss McKay. I’m new.” She smiled shyly at him.

“I like the idea.” An Asian suited man says. “But can we only do it in that school? Surely opening that out to all schools would make it quicker to find the best of the best?” The room looked from him to Miss McKay.

“As dodgy as it sounds from our point of view, and do not repeat this to anyone, this is the only school we’d be able to persuade with money. They need money, we need students. Simple.”

“We’re allowed to do this?” The African man asks.

“Well, we’re the government getting ready for a war. We can do whatever we want!” Mr Wallace winked at the girl. “All those in favour of this idea? We shall go into more detail if you’re up for it.” A room full of hands raise.

“Go and get your team Miss McKay, it looks like we have a plan!” Mr Wallace grinned and the others conferred as she left, swiftly arriving with a group of geeky colleagues.

“Please, explain the plan in detail.” Mr Wallace pointed at a guy, looking jittery and nervous.

“Well… Well… We…” He stuttered, taking a big breath in and out before continuing. “We’ve just spoken to the team you referred us to, and they’ve just spoken to the school. As we thought, they were willing to accept adding this ‘government run’ afterschool activity for a fee and are now looking forward to being able to refurbish the hall. They only have four afterschool activities in the school for people of this age at the moment; Dance, Drama, Music and ‘Sport’ which is loosely bounded around football, rugby, tennis and cricket.”

“That’s it? What is this school?” One suited man exclaims.

“Well, not a very good one. They pride themselves on their sporty persona but they can’t actually teach much else very well.” The geeky guy laughs.

“We are currently writing up a contract. The kids will be around 18 years old, so they are legally allowed to sign this contract themselves, so if they don’t read it, tough!” Miss McKay continued. “It looks like the compulsory activity rule will come into the school from Monday. It’s Friday today, so they’ve really only got today in school times to tell the students this is going to happen, but they’re happy. We’re using some of our top trained army recruits, agents and Special Forces to teach them pretty much everything; fitness, weapons training, how to conduct stake outs, how to handle pressure…  They’ll be the agents you wish we’d had years ago.” She smiled an evil smile. The men and women around the table begin to applaud and talk amongst one another.

“One question?” A man asks from the back. “Can I chuck my child in it?” The group laugh but he remains serious.

“Err, well I don’t see why not? If he or she signs the contract.” Miss McKay smiles.

“Good. Let’s get this sorted then. The war isn’t going to hold off for months!” The man replies.

“I’ve just been told they’re willing to hold off for another month, so we have that long.” A geeky colleague says quickly.

“What is this war even about? Surely they’d want the element of surprise?” Miss McKay asks Mr Wallace.

“No, my dear. It’s all about power. They want to prove that no matter when we start, they’ve planned better, will execute all work better than us and then will have the power over this country.”

“We’re fighting them for leadership of this country?” She gawped.

“Yes. The only problem is; they’re already ready.”

The Master PlanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz