Chapter Two: Wyatt

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"Carter I don't really know what you want from me here" I laughed as we stood on his porch.
"I want you to stop messing about Wyatt" He said nudging me.
"I'm not messing about, I cancelled for a good reason. Tee needed me" I reminded him and he sighed.
"I get that but you can't avoid this forever" He said and I nodded.
"Is she here? Want me to meet her now?" I asked knowing that what he wanted was for me to meet his misses. They had been together for a good couple of months now and to say Carter was smitten was an understatement and a half.

"no she isn't, she is helping her friend with something but is coming over afterwards. Can you hang around or are you meeting the boys?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I'm meant to be meeting the boys at the diner. How about you invite your little lady to the cabin trip next break?" I suggested.
"She'll be with her best friend. I can't ask that of her" he argued.
"invite them both then Cart. I doubt any of the boys would complain" I laughed. 

"How is Tee? And your Mum?" Carter asked making me sigh
"They are alright, Tee is constantly asking when he is coming home, Mum is constantly crying, she doesn't think we notice but I do. I don't think Tee does though thankfully" I said making him nod.

"He's a prick you know" Carter rebutted making me laugh.
"I think he is long passed being a prick Carter." I shrugged.

I wasn't in the habit of bad mouthing anyone, especially not someone who technically put me on this earth but dare I say he deserves this.
He had everything with us, a family, a loving home, a loving wife, and two loving children. This is just another one of those things that show, Love isn't the answer to anyone's problems. It just complicates it all..


As I arrived at the diner all the boys were happily messing about in the corner while the Waitress' glared to them probably for their noise levels more then anything.
But we've all been coming here since we were just kids, at this point they were used to it.
"I'm calling it now, little blondie has been stood up" Kyle said making me hum in response sitting down next to him looking at whatever he was looking at. Or should I saw more of who he was looking at.

Across the diner in one of the booths sat a Blonde girl, she had a frown tainting her face, her blue eyes were jumping at any movement in the diner. She was constantly looking down at her phone before turning to glance at one of the waitress' who was looking at her like the dirt on one of her shoes honestly.
That alone was enough to make my stomach churn for her. 
I'd like to say my mother brought me up well enough to know that this entire situation was not okay.

"I don't know, could it be a date? Or Daddy daughter drama?" Lucas said making me roll my eyes.
"Y'all are rather fucking nosey you know" I said making them scoff.
"Sorry Romeo, what do you think is going on?" Kyle asked but I shook my head. It wasn't our business to know what was going on really but I couldn't seem to take my eyes of the situation in front of me.
The waitress was probably a single moment away from kicking her out, she had just finished a phone call. She was on the verge of tears, that point was evident.
"Here comes superman" Kyle chuckled pushing me as soon as I rose to my feet heading over there.

I didn't really have a plan, not even the slightest one but the closer I got the closer I could see the frown on her face and I hated it. 
Her face was duller then what I could assume was her usual smile. It was heartbroken. Kyle was right, She was being stood up.

As soon as I got to her booth, I instantly slid into the seat smiling at her while the waitress approached at the exact same time.
"Hey babe, sorry I'm late! Traffic was a bitch" I confidently said watching both the waitress and the blonde look at me with confusion. The blonde was hesitant at first but after a small glance to the waitress who was still looking at me, a tiny smile fell onto her lips as she took a seat again opposite me.
"I'll give you two a few minutes to look over the menu" She mumbled before walking away. 

I turned to allow all my attention to land on the girl in front of me, she was still looking at me with the same confusion but there was a little spark back in her eyes.
"I take it your Jenson? Was traffic really that bad?" She asked making me sigh.
"I'm not Jenson. I don't know who he is but he sure is one idiot!" I said making her shake her head bowing it slightly as she fiddled with her fingers.

"I'm Wyatt" I said softly making her look up at me, her blue eyes searching mine for something while she began to chew the inside of her cheek making is suck in slightly. 
"I'm Avery, you really don't need to do this" She whispered.
"My mama always taught me the decent respect everyone should learn. I couldn't leave you hear alone. It wasn't right" I said making her nod her head.
Clearly that wasn't the right thing to say.

"Was this meant to be a date? With Jenson?" I asked and Avery nodded.
"Idiot" I mumbled again.
"I think I'll just call it a night, but thankyou for saving me the embarrassment" Avery said picking up her belongings again.

"Hey now, you came here for a date did you not?" I asked but Avery froze looking at me cautiously.
"I did" She mumbled making me smile.
"Then Avery, would you like to go on a date with me?" I winked watching her cheek tease a pink tone before she chewed on her cheek again. 

"I- uh" she stuttered before giving in to whatever battle was going on in her head. 
"Yes, I would" She smiled settling back into her seat.

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