the beginning

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I've always loved to sing but I just didn't know I was capable of being someone. At around 15-16 I was starting to realize messing around with my girls wasn't getting me anywhere. I knew I wanted to be a singer but I felt like I didn't have the looks. I wore big lashes and my friend did my makeup which look more different. My mom is black and My dad is Japanese. I take off my dad side more but I still have my mom genes. I never really felt pretty. My homegirls would have all the boys on them but me I was focused on one thing. My books and my knowledge. Now I know sweating over no honey wasn't gonna get me anywhere. I had an different mindset and that what made me different

1994 March, After my 19th birthday everything changed my life, my lifestyle and Myself. I remember walking to the store when I heard a group of fan girls in line to get an autograph from Nas. I knew who he was but I never really was a fan. I was singing to myself when I heard clapping. I turned my head and saw Nas bodyguard. "Wow girl you can sang!" A big smile appeared on my face. Nobody really recognize my singing only my grandmother. "I think Nas need to see about you because with a voice like dat can put a whole lotta on yo table" I laughed thinking he was playing but he was actually serious. Um not really I just sing for myself. "You got da pipes girl lemme introduced too the crew" He took my hand and led me to a group of people. "Yo Nas!" Nas turned around and looked at me "hey beautiful" I smiled as he took my hand and kissed it. "Yo man she can sing" his bodyguard said. "Oh dats wassup what's yo name love?" "Soilgeni" "well soilgeni can you show me a lil sum?" Uh sure. My heart starting beating fast. I started singing can you stand the rain by new edition now I know it wasn't a song a girl can sing but I loved it and they loved it too. "Wow girl you took my breath away" "I'll see what I can do. Give me yo phone number and we can discuss things later" Nas winked at me. I gave him my number and I walked to the bodyguard. I thanked him. I asked him his name "mark is my name" I was really thankful that he took his time and listened to my singing.

I thought too myself.. what could happen? where would this take me? will I be something? My head started spinning. I walked into the store with an headache. I grabbed some Cheetos and some water and paid for them. As I'm walking back home I see my ex boyfriend Omari. Now Omari played me and I don't like getting played. He thinks just because I don't say anything he can run over me. Well boy he got that right one because I'm not allowing none of that. "Wassup girl" I walked right past him. I don't have the time of the day to be dealing with no sucka.
I walked home. I see my grandma sitting by the window watching me. God please don't take her away. I Need her more then anything. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and made my way to my room.
I looked in the mirror and tears formed. Why? Why?

Life could be better but it gets better. I wiped my tears and watch some Martin. I laughed and laughed. I just love chill moments like this.

SoilgeniNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ