Chapter 2

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You awoke to the sun shining in your eyes. Shutting them closed, you tossed to your other side to block out the light and covered your head with the comforter to get at least a bit more sleep before starting the day. You sighingly sit up, the comforter flopping in your lap. Grabbing your phone, you unlocked it and opened Spotify, putting in your headphones. You turned your liked songs, pressing shuffle. You swung your legs over the side of the bed, standing up. You make your way over to the door, going downstairs towards the kitchen for a drink. Once you made it downstairs, you saw Arny on the couch on his phone. Deciding not to bother him, you walked into the kitchen, where (you think Danny, you haven't memorized them besides Arny yet) was sitting on the counter. Like actually on the counter. You stared at him for a moment before shaking your head and tapping him on the knee. 

He jumps before looking at you."Oh, hey, uh, what's up?" He asks. He shifts his position to where he's leaning against the counter instead of sitting. 

You take a headphone out to make sure you aren't loud before speaking, "Um, I was wondering if you have any water bottles. Or cups, those work too." 

 Danny(?) nods before going to the cupboard and handing a plastic cup your way. "The fridge has a water dispenser, along with ice as well. Just put your cup in the dishwasher when you're done." 

You nod, filling the cup with crushed ice and water before sitting on the couch and watching random youtube videos on your phone. Putting in your other earbud, you turn on Brandon Rogers. You sit there for a good while, with a blanket over your form. Damnit, I shoulda just grab the cup and drank faucet water from the bathroom. I coulda stayed in bed, but nOoOo, you just HAD to get the FaNcY wAtEr. This is why you can't stay in bed. You just stayed there before lying on your side, placing the cup on the coffee table. Propping your phone up, you continued your mini youtube marathon. However, you switched to a creepy iceberg video on full blast to try to fall asleep. Closing your eyes, you relaxed your muscles. Eventually, you were shaken awake. You look to see Arny and his roommates standing above. You groaned and took a headphone out, showing that you were listening. 

Arny cleared his throat before speaking, "Hey, we're wondering if you want to go shopping with us. Danny needs groceries for food, and we can pick up some clothes for you. If you don't want to go, you can tell us what size you wear, and we can pick some stuff up that might fit." 

You thought about it momentarily before giving a slight nod, "Okay, I'll go with you guys. Where are we going exactly? Because I prefer shopping at Walmart or the mall for clothes." You ask the males in question. 

Danny replied, "I'm going to Walmart, and Arny was going to take you to the mall. If you want, he can take you shopping at the mall for accessories and any clothes you find there, then you can go to Walmart so you can find some more there. And maybe whatever snacks you like. Once we come back, we'll get started on lunch, so you can take a nap or whatever you wanna do." 

"I like that idea. Let me go get dressed real quick. I'll be right back." Arny looked at Danny after you went upstairs. 

"What? It was an idea. Don't give me that look, dude. Besides, you were the one who not only brought her but came up with the idea to take her shopping." Danny sighs before hitting Arny upside the head.

 "Now all of you get dressed, the rest of us are going shopping. We might go to the mall as well. I need new clothes as well. Plus, Pete will come over to binge-watch MHA with us." The other male nodded before traveling upstairs to change into a pair of day clothes rather than going out in a couple of pajamas unfit for the weather. Once you finished changing into another pair of clothes that Arny l̶e̶f̶t̶ i̶n̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ r̶o̶o̶m̶ gave to you, you went downstairs to meet with them. Once you reached the bottom of the stairs, you saw all four of them sitting on the couch playing on their phones. 

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