That day

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Y/n pov:

I have fought my way into the central area of the factory.
Standing outside the door leading to the big room, I was nervous.

I swallowed a few times. He might be right behind this door.

Has he heard the commotion?

Perhaps he's heard the fights, but decided to stay and wait for the final battle. Between us. He just doesn't know it's me.

Maybe he'll find it amusing how I'm still alive, and then kill me just to ruin my little "being alive" party.

My hand placed itself on the door, about to push it open. However it doesn't push. I felt scared.

I sucked in a breath and finally, I pushed the door open.

I raised my head and my shoulders, and walked into the room. I tried to look confident, but someone like Scaramouche could probably look past my facade.

My eyes scanned the room, and I could see no one.

As I remembered, the room was big, and very purple.

I walked into the middle of the room.
I felt my throat shiver a little, and I finally gathered the courage to speak. "Is anybody here?" I called.
I didn't want to say any names. Kunikuzushi? Scaramouche? Which name do I use?

I looked around. My eyes fell upon the fog on the ground. He must be here.

"Now this... this is a face I didn't expect to see."
His voice was cold. I couldn't tell where it came from, but as soon as I heard it, I felt my body freeze like it did in the lake, not literally.

I scanned the area. He was here.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" He called from behind me.

I turned on my heel and looked him in the face.
There he stood, not Kunikuzushi, but Scaramouche. He stood proud, as if he was proud to show me what he had become. His eyes were sharper than swords. He had his arms crossed, staring at me in return.

"You need to listen to me..." I spoke quickly. I had a lot to say, to explain. But I knew very well he might not want to hear any of it.

He sighed, and then smirked.

"You want me to stop with the delusions?" He asked.

Why is he talking about delusions? I don't care about them.

"Too bad, I'm not the mastermind behind this idea, so I can't really stop anything." He said, not giving a care in the world.

"You don't seriously think I'm here to talk about delusions?" I asked him. I took a hesitant step towards him, however I stepped back again, not wanting to risk it.

He took notice of my hesitation. His hat covered his eyes and I could see his smirk again.
"You're scared of me." He stated.

Scared wasn't the right word. It was more being unsure of who he was, not wanting to do the wrong thing that could end in him leaving.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now