"FEN, NO!!"

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Then they saw who else was in the room. Jack stared in astonishment while Morrigan yelled, "What is He doing here?!!"

Jupiter would have answered calmly & without hesitation if it were anyone else in the world in his office, but given the circumstances, his voice was raised a couple of octaves.

"I'm not really sure, Mog! He just walked through the door & said he wanted to get to know me a little better!"

Morrigan scoffed, "That can't be right. The most evilest man who ever lived wants to get to know you a little better?"

Jack still gaped at Ezra, growing paler & wide-eyed by the minute.

Ezra simply stared at them all with a look that said, "I'm right here! You needn't talk about me as if I'm not here."

But he decided to say, "What Captain North has established is true, Miss Crow; It has nothing to do with you. Why, if it did, I would have spoken to you myself."

Before Morrigan & Jupiter could respond, Fenestra the magnificat bounded into the room. They all stared at her, while out of breath, she exclaimed,

"Jove, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop them! Morrigan, Jack, what did I say about-"

Her eyes rested on who else was there watching her.

"YOU!!" Fen leaped in the air to where Ezra was sat, eyes wild, claws extended & sharp teeth bared; ready to pounce on her "prey".

"FEN, NO!!", everyone screamed.

Ezra disappeared into the Gossamer, tendrils of smoke lingering where he once sat. Jupiter heaved a sigh of relief: as much as this was the evilest man who ever lived, he didn't want him to be squashed by Fen before he could explain himself.

A few seconds later, Ezra returned on the other side of the room; this time with a cup of tea & a reading book, watching the drama unfold.

"Where is he?! I wanna show him a piece of my paws!!" Fen screeched, searching the room, unaware where Ezra truly was.

"Fenestra," Jupiter sighed, "Let the man explain himself!"

"He's right Fen," Morrigan agreed bitterly, "We need to know what he actually wants." She gestured to Ezra, casually sipping from his cup of tea & peering from his book, acknowledging that everyone was now staring at him. A few moments of silence went by before Morrigan spoke,

"What do you want, Squall?"

"I believe I told you already." Ezra uttered smoothly, peering back at his book.

Jupiter, Morrigan, Jack & Fen stared at each other, then back at Ezra with disbelief. This made no sense at all.

By the way, Morrigan is 15 in this story, forgot to write that down

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