A pet BEAR!?

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No One's POV

Next morning Yuki looked at the adress card she was walking with her friends.

" So do you think she is a nice person? " she asked.

Asakira placed a finger under her chin and thought for a moment " Hmmmm.... Seems like it. " she answered

Terry shooked his head " We don't know that but still we can just hope that she is.... " he said stuffing his hands inside his pockets.

Batchu chuckled " Nice or not she better have food! " he yelled with his eyes sparkling.

Asakira sighed " All he thinks is about is food.... " she said faceplaming.

Yuki stooped infront of a house it was small and has enough space to fit 10 people in it.

" Well here we are! " she smiled as she approached the house.

Asakira whispered to Yuki " There are some rumors of her being a prostitute and a witch so becareful. " she said.

Terry and Batchu stood behind the two girls waiting for Yuki to knock.

Yuki deeply breathed before knocking " Um hello? " she said as the door opened. " Oh um h-hi!? WTH!? " she shrieked.

Asakira, Terry and Batchu looked at the figure who was standing inside the house it was a bear!

Yuki's POV

I clutched my chest and breathed in and out slowly backing away from the door. The bear tilted its head and jumped back and ran to the basement of the house.

" What are you doing here!? " a feminine voice yelled behind us.

I turned around and saw UK carrying 2 plastic bags of grocery items and 3 bags of different kinds of fish. " Oh!UK-san we um uh.... " I stuttered trying to say a word.

UK gasped looking at the opened door " You guys saw him!? Come on! " she yelled angrily pushing us inside the house.

Once we are inside the house UK ordered us to sit down while she look for the bear when she came back she sat on a chair and a

I looked at the giagantic animal that was sitting beside UK on a chair.

UK frowned " What do you guys want? " she asked softly patting the bear on its back and giving it a half cutted salmon.

I gulped " Um I j-j-just wanted to t-thank you for kicking t-that boy's ass e-earlier and f-for retriving my bag UK-san. " I explained.

Asakira nodded " Yes its true! We won't do anything to you or that bear we promise! " she said in a panicked tone.

UK frowned even more she walked over to me and whispered " How did you know my name but before that I'll tell you this if you put my friend in danger I promise that I will rip you apart and rip your friends mouth out and cut your limbs tie you guys to a tree so the crows and ants can eat you all. " she growled before she sat back beside the beast.

I shivered "  UK-san don't worry I promise that I will never ever put the bear in danger if I break that promise you can have all my belongings encluding my savings. " I said looking serious.

UK raised a brow " I don't care about fortune just keep my friend a secret and I'm fine with that..... " she said.

The bear walked over me and nudged my hand it sat down and sniffed us before walking over Terry and licking his face.

Terry was suprised but accepted it " Well aren't you  nice... " he said before looking at its collar " Jou nice name.... " he complimented patting the bear's back.

Jou yelped and grinned at the group for a bear he is nice and well trained.


I mentally smiled Jou never knew new people since we moved here Elinor and his sitter only knew him.

I sighed and called Jou.

The bear whined looking at me. I smiled and nodded. Jou roared in delight he laid down infront of the group.

I sighed " Jou seems to trust you guys..... I have no choice I will join your group to watch your actions but in exchanged you have to help me take care of Jou. " I explained.

Jou looked at me then back at the group he yelped happily as he pounced on me and licked my face.

I stiffled a giggle " Alright, stop it big boy. " I pushed him gently away.

The sun bear snickered as he returned to the basement.

No One's POV

Yuki looked at the basement's door " What's in there? " she asked UK who was placing the groceries in the kitchen closets.

UK sighed " Its none of your buisness... " she simply answered.

Yuki frowned " You should socialize more UK-san hey! Maybe you can come with us to Asakira's party. " she asked.

Asakira's eyes gleamed " YUKI YOU FUCKIN GENIUS! UK-san can you pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! My guests there are all dimwits and plastics only if you know what I mean. " she said.

UK shooked her head before she could say anything Jou came rushing towards the group tackling his master with pleading eyes he stared at her then at the others.

UK sighed " Jou you can't just come out they will catch if they saw you there. " she explained.

Jou frowned and whined.

Asakira giggled " Don't worry! Yuki here can just drive us there using her super fuckin awsome partay bus! " she said.

Terry glared at Asakira " Don't get mouthy Asaki. " he scolded.

Batchu chuckled " C'mon Terry boy just let the girl be! " he said punching the other boy's shoulder.

Terry sighed " Batchu you just want Asaki to reward you with those donuts she bought you last week.... " he shooked his head.

Batchu scratched the back of his neck " well ya have a point." He chuckled.

Yuki giggled " Well... we gotta go now UK-san and sorry for the trouble bye! " she said and her group left.

UK looked at the group and sighed ' Tommorow's gonna be a long day.... ' she thought.

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